The 1994 Death of Kurt Cobain
Kurt’s last day full day alive was 4/4.
Eclipse Code
Kurt Cobain was born on 20/2/67 and died in 1994.
Great American Eclipses
Seattle, Washington, where Cobain died, is located on the 122nd meridian:
The date he died had Primary numerology of 122:
That eclipse will have a Magnitude of 1.0566:
Closest Eclipses
212 days = a span of 30 weeks, 3 days
33 / 666
Kurt Cobain has matching gematria with Thirty-three.
156 is a significant number to the Eclipse code.
The date he died had matching numerology with the Reduction gematria of Six hundred sixty-six:
666 is the 36th Triangular number
6×6×6 = 216
This may or may not be relevant…but how interesting is Kurt Cobain’s full name gematria with Kurtis instead of Kurt?