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The Moon and ‘666’ Coding for Filmmaker Lynch

David Lynch, Visionary Director of ‘Twin Peaks’ and ‘Blue Velvet,’ Dies at 78

This is my second of two posts on David Lynch:

The Moon / Six six six (666)

Pope Francis was born 3321 days before David Lynch:

3321 is the sum of the Magic Square of The Moon:

Bob Uecker died at age 90
Twin Peaks first premiered in ’90

The show’s main character is named Cooper.

"Cooper" = 90 (Reverse)

"David Keith Lynch" = 1321 (Latin)

1321 is the 216th Prime number

216 is 6 × 6 × 6

"Six hundred sixty six" = 211 (Reverse)

The Vatican was founded on 2/11, and 211 is the 47th Prime number.

Francis and Vatican both = 47 Reverse Reduction

Total eclipse, Time, and Beast all = 47

Bob would have been 47 days after his birthday for the Pi Day Total eclipse:

Uecker died a span of exactly 4747 after he was born and 47 weeks after MacLachlan’s birthday:

"The Circle" = 47 (Reduction)

47 is the 15th Prime number
The 15th letter is The Circle

David Keith Lynch = 1500 Reverse Sumerian and 474 Primes

Twin Peaks Season 3 lasted exactly 15 weeks, and Uecker departed exactly 15 weeks after his final broadcast:

"Six hundred sixty six" = 275 (Ordinal)

The revival of Twin Peaks ended a span of 2750 days before the Pi Day Eclipse:

275 was a significant number in my previous post on Bob Uecker.

The series was brought back a span of 9906 days after it first aired:

Bob Uecker was 999 months old when the series returned:

Bob Uecker was 999 months old when the series returned:

David Lynch would have been a span of 28,909 days old for the Eclipse, or 54 days after his birthday:

Bob = 54 and Uecker = 504 (Trigonal)

"Bob" = 88 (Reverse Caps Added)

It’s been 88 months since the end of Twin Peaks:

Kyle MacLachlan was 58 years, 88 days old when Twin Peaks returned:

The actor who played BOB was born a span of 88 days before Uecker’s birthday:

Silva died at 16388 days of age:

The Pope will be a span of 88 years, 88 days old for the Pi Day Eclipse:


"Kyle MacLachlan" = 121 (Ordinal)

The first episode of Twin Peaks was shown on a date with Reduced numerology of 121:(4) + (8) + (19) + (90) = 121

The new season of Twin Peaks began 121 days after Lynch’s birthday:

666 is revealed as the number of the Beast in the Book of Revelation.

Revelation = 121, 1010, and 149

Season 3 ended 10010 days after the series began, and 149 days after its premiere date:

There are 404 verses in the Book of Revelation.

In Latin, Pope Francis = 404 and Bishop of Rome = 440

"Forty four" = 972 (Latin)

"Jorge Bergoglio" = 972 (Latin)

"Robert George Uecker" = 972 (Reverse Primes)

4400 days = 12 years, 17 days

Pope Francis was born on 12/17:

Twin Peaks wrapped up a span of 12170 days before Uecker’s final game:

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