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Barack Obama’s Links to Hurricane Milton

This is Part 2 of a two-part post:

My first post divulged the numerology connecting the collapse of the Metrodome’s roof in 2010 to the destruction of Tropicana Field’s roof on October 9th.

On the anniversary of the roof collapse in Minnesota, Barack Obama read to children at an elementary school, paying homage to the activities George W. Bush on 9/11, when he was reading a book to schoolchildren while the worst terror attacks in U.S. history unfolded. See the post I made on that earlier this year.

That post on the visit to Parkside Elementary in Chicago also mentions its syncs with a lightning strike near the White House on Obama’s birthday back in 2022, killing an elderly couple. The couple was from Janesville, Wisconsin.

Janesville = 109, Janesville Wisconsin = 81, Hurricane Milton = 81

Satan and God both = 109 and 81

Obama was a span of 63 years, 63 days old when Milton first formed:

"Obama" = 63 (Capitals Mixed)

Milton struck the Tampa Bay, Florida area on a date with Primary numerology of 63:(10) + (9) + (20) + (24) = 63

"Tampa Bay Florida" = 63 (Single Reduction)

My last post discussed how this was synced to Brett Favre sending pictures of his Penis to Jenn Sterger.

Brett Favre and Penis both = 63, Jenn Sterger = 63 and 63

Three Twenty-Three (323)

Anthony Rossi would have been a span of exactly 1,323 months old for the Metrodome roof collapse:

October 9th is Yale University’s 323rd anniversary:

John Wayne Bobbitt was born on March 23rd, or 3/23:

Fourteen pieces of Osiris = 323 Caps Added and Reverse

"Lucifer" = 323 (Latin)

Barack Hussein Obama = 323 Caps Mixed and Reverse

"Commander in chief" = 323 (Latin)

The World Trade Center came down on a date with Reduced numerology of 14:9 + 1+1 + 2+0+0+1 = 14

Barack Obama was exactly 140 months when the Twin Towers opened:

In Reverse, Skull & Bones = 140 and Twin Towers = 104

Obama = 14 and 104

The 14th Prime number is 43

"Yale" = 43 (Ordinal)

Yale graduate George W. Bush was the 43rd President at the time. But there’s another alignment with this same measurement:

Hurricane and Yale both = 426 in Latin

Barack Obama was 4261 days old when the WTC opened:

Forty-Four (44)

The World Trade Center was destroyed 3119 days after it was bombed:

3119 is the 444th Prime number

The WTC bombing was exactly 444 Lunar phases after the Tropicana Las Vegas began operations:

Skull and Crossbones, Skull and Crossbones Three twenty two, and Skull and Bones Three hundred twenty two all = 444
The 44th Prime number is 193

In Caps Mixed, Tropicana and Hurricane both = 193

Barack Obama was the 44th President

Barack Obama was born exactly 4 years, 4 months after the Tropicana opened:

4×4 = 16

The Tropicana Las Vegas opened exactly 16 years before the Twin Towers opened and 44 years, 160 days before the 9/11 attacks:

The 16th card of the Tarot is the Tower:

"Lightning" = 44 (Reverse Reduction)

The Tower

44 is 11×4

Hurricane Milton landed a span of exactly 114 weeks after that strike:

"The Tower" = 114 (Ordinal) and "The Tower XVI" = 1014 (Sumerian)

"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 114 (Reverse Reduction)

"Skull and Bones" = 1212 (Reverse Sumerian)

12/12 is the date of Obama’s school visit, and the date of the Metrodome collapse.

Milton’s flooding occurred exactly 1212 weeks before 1/2/48:

Obama’s visit occurred during the first day after Brown Lunation # 1248:

"The Tower" = 1248 (Latin)

Obama was born on 8/4:

"Obama" = 84 (Latin)

Landfall was 28040 days after 1/2/48, and flooding was 8484 days before 1/2/48:

Also 84 days from 10/10 to 1/2

Recall how Barack Obama was exactly 496 Lunations old on September 11th = 496. His visit to Parkside Elementary was 496 days after the fatal lightning strike.

Obama was 11,496 days old when Anthony T. Rossi died:

33 / 156 / 911

"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 303 (Reverse)

Barack Obama visited an elementary school exactly 156 months after the Metrodome collapse, and a span of 303 days before Hurricane Milton:

SummerSlam 2026 begins 33 years, 156 days after the World Trade Center bombing:

The 156th Prime number is 911

"Thirty three" = 156 (Ordinal)

The Twin Towers were destroyed 33 years after construction began:

"Twin Towers" = 330 (Capitals Mixed)

The World Trade Center was destroyed on the date 9/11 or 11/9. It had previously been bombed on February 26th, or 2/26.

SummerSlam Minneapolis is in 2026

Thirty three = 156 and 141, both One hundred fifty six and One hundred forty one = 226 Ordinal

"The Tower" = 226 (Capitals Mixed)

The founder of Tropicana died 33 days before the WTC bombing:

Anthony Rossi would have been 1109 months old for The World Trade Center bombing:

"The World Trade Center bombing" = 1190 (Satanic)

Anthony Rossi would have been 110 years, 90 days old for Minnesota’s roof collapse:

Construction on the World Trade Center began in 1968.

World Trade Center = 1110, Minnesota Vikings = 1110 and 1968

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