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Danny Jansen to Play for Two MLB Teams in Same Game

Danny Jansen will make MLB history when he appears for two different teams in the same game The Red Sox acquired Jansen at the trade deadline from the Blue Jays

Red Sox catcher Danny Jansen will make Major League history on Monday when he takes part in a game that was previously postponed in June. Although he started the game playing for the Toronto Blue Jays, he will finish the game against the Blue Jays as he takes the field for Boston. So not only will he be playing both sides, he’ll also be representing teams from two different nations.

August 26th will be exactly 315 weeks after Daniel Jansen debuted:

"Daniel Jansen" = 315 (Standard)

Dan Jansen

The name Danny Jansen stood out to me, especially because he played high school baseball in the state of Wisconsin, and the Olympics just ended.

In the 1994 Winter OlympicsDan Jansen, an athlete who was born in my town of West Allis, Wisconsin, won a Gold medal in the 1,000-meter speed skating event, setting a World Record in the process.

Major League Baseball = 162, Baseball = 162 and 162, MLB = 162

Dan Jansen will be 21620 days of age:

Dan Jansen = 162, Dan = 10 and 62, Daniel Erwin Jansen = 1062

The 1062nd Prime number is 8521

Danny Jansen was 8521 days old when he made his Major League debut in 2018:

As shown above, Dan62.

The game will end a span of 62 days after it started:

Monday falls a span of exactly 6 years, 2 weeks after Jansen made his Major League debut:

The 62nd Prime number is 293

The BOS-TOR game started 293 days before Danny’s birthday:

Danny played his first Big League game 293 months after the Olympian won gold:

“Speed Skating”

History will be made on Monday, a date with Primary numerology of 78:(8) + (26) + (20) + (24) = 78

Speed skating = 780 Sumerian, Daniel Robert Jansen and Daniel Erwin Jansen both = 78 Reduction

Jansen’s first MLB game was 8 months, 2 days before his next birthday:

"Dan Jansen" = 82 (Ordinal)

The 82nd Prime number is 421

"Speed skating" = 421 (Latin)

Danny Jansen was born 421 days (or exactly 1 year, 8 weeks) after Dan Jansen won Speed skating gold in Lillehammer:

Daniel Robert Jansen = 1800, Daniel Jansen = 108, Jansen = 18, Lillehammer and Skating both = 108

A Major League baseball is made up of 108 double stitches:

Major League = 108, baseball = 108 and 18

This same duration is also exactly 1 year, 1 months, 4 weeks:

"Major League Baseball" = 1140 (Latin)

Monday’s game will be 4 months, 11 days after Danny’s birthday:

Gold medal and Baseball both = 141 Latin

Monday will be a span of 141 days after the 2024 Great American Eclipse:

The dates of Dan’s World Record and Danny’s birth both have Standard birth numerology of 114:(2) + (18) + (94) = 114 and (4) + (15) + (95) = 114

These dates also have Primary numerology of 133:(2) + (18) + (19) + (94) = 133 and (4) + (15) + (19) + (95) = 133

Danny Jansen will be 133 days after his birthday when the game is completed:

133 days is also exactly 19 weeks

"Dan" = 19 (Ordinal)

It will also be 190 days after the anniversary of Dan’s World Record:

Danny Jansen was born on the 105th day of the year:

"Olympian" = 105 (Ordinal)

The 105th Prime number is 571

Speed skating = 571 Standard and 130 Ordinal

The game began a span of 130 days after the date of the win, or a total of 11087 days:

"Olympian Dan Jansen" = 187 (Ordinal)

Six six six (666)

Danny Jansen was a span of 10,666 days old when the game started:

"Olympian" = 666 (Reverse Sumerian)

6×6×6 = 216
6+6+6 = 18
666 is the 36th Triangular number

Jansen = 216, 18, and 36

216 stitches on a baseball

"Daniel Jansen" = 216 (Reverse)

"Speed skating" = 156 (Capitals Added)

Dan Jansen was a span of 21560 days old when the game began:

Lillehammer was 156 years old when it hosted the Olympics. This is one of the numbers that links 666 to the number 33.

Danny was born a span of 303 days after the Olympian’s birthday when he was 10,895 days old:

"Thirty three" = 895 (Latin)

"Playing both sides" = 895 (Latin)

The American speed skater struck Gold in Norway.

Norway = 33 Reduction and 333 Primes

Jansen’s win fell 3 months, 30 days before his birthday:

Danny made it to the Majors a span of 3 months, 30 days after his last birthday:

Six hundred and sixty six and Six hundred threescore & six both = 294 Ordinal

The game started on June 26th, which was a span of 294 days before Danny’s birthday and 238 days before the anniversary of Dan Jansen’s gold medal victory.

"Six hundred sixty six" = 2038 (Latin)

More Notes

"Gold medalist" = 121 (Ordinal)

Danny Jansen made his MLB debut a span of 121 days after his birthday:

"Danny Jansen" = 121 (Ordinal)

That debut was on the 225th day of the year:

Jansen’s special feat will occur 2205 days later:

Jansen will have played both sides exactly 22 years, 50 weeks after the 9/11 attacks:

Playing both sides and World Trade Center both = 185, 247, and 77

Dan Jansen won his first gold medal in Speed skating on the 49th day of the year:

Gold medalist, Speed skating, and Danny Jansen all = 49

Monday will also be the first day of Dan Jansen’s 409th Sidereal month, as he turns exactly 408 Sidereal months old on that date. 4/08 was the date of this year’s Total solar eclipse994, and he won gold in 1994.

He did so on the date 2/18, which is also noteworthy as the Toronto-Boston game started 2 months, 18 days after the 2024 Eclipse.

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