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My Synchronicity with Actress Gena Rowlands (1930 – 2024)

This post is not one of my typical decodes.

Rather, this post is intended to demonstrate that our reality as experienced here on planet Earth is merely an illusion, a finely-tuned and well-crafted computerized system that facilitates our growth on a spiritual level.

No one – be it actors, athletes, celebrities, nor grocery workers, delivery drivers, or assembly lineman, are immune from the synchronistic nature of the universe and being numerically-connected to the magical realm of manifestation. While I tend to focus on stories in the mainstream media, I could very well decode any serious event, whether or not it occurs in the public sphere.

I myself notice mind-bending synchronicity on a very regular basis. However, I rarely document it on this Blog, because I’m repulsed by the potential of boring my readers with minute details of my personal life. It’s a bit against my nature to share any details of my personal life online, but I’ll make some exceptions if I think it will help people to understand the reality of our temporal superstructure.

Before we get into any numerology, I need to provide the relevant backstory. This all goes back to 2001, the year I turned 16 – which was not only a transformative year for society as a whole, but was also a transformative year for me on a personal basis.

When the year began, I was your typical student who knew very little about the world at large and had no reason to question anything. I was young, naive, and consumed by my own hobbies and interests – perhaps just as a 15-year-old should be. But things changed rapidly. In April, I got my first job. In June, I had my first deep spiritual experience that led me to become a follower of Jesus. In August, I fell head over heels for a girl at work whom I never wanted to like, nor had any chance with. In September, the entire world changed after the 9/11 attacks, and by December, I had dropped out of high school in favor of homeschooling.

While I didn’t start diving into “conspiracy” ideology for a few more years, 2001 laid the groundwork for who I am today – particularly when it comes to the topic of love.

I’m currently 39 and I’ve been single for most of the past decade. I’m happy this way, and it’s quite possible I’ll stay single. It’s something baked into my astrology – I don’t want kids, and I’m over the idea of finding the perfect relationship. I’ve always felt a bit suffocated in the ones I’ve been in. Maybe that changes, but my focus lies elsewhere in life.

In those past relationships, I never experienced feelings anywhere close to what I had at age 16. This is probably normal; your first love always hits different. But without that intense romanticism, I’ve found it quite the chore to pursue anything serious. And when I have, it’s all fizzled out very quickly.

A couple of years ago, I had a good friend test my seven chakras. I kinda knew what the results would be prior to seeing them, and as presumed, six of my chakras were wide open and flowing smoothly, but my heart chakra was partially blocked. I’m sure this has a lot to do with conscious decisions I’ve made to set my emotions aside, on top of my already stern nature.

I don’t think it was always like this though. My first job, which I got in 2001, was at a Christian business called the River Coffee House in Hartland, WI. The owners were Sue Gantner and her husband Jim (a.k.a. Gumby), who enjoyed a long career playing baseball for the Milwaukee Brewers. I watched Jim on TV and in person all the time growing up, so to have my first job working for him was a bit surreal.

Gumby couldn’t have been a much nicer guy, and he took a strong liking to me. In fact, he was probably the one who convinced my mom I didn’t belong in a regular school setting after noticing how miserable I was there.

Anyway, in the summer of 2001, one of my co-workers began holding a weekly Bible study for the employees. I wasn’t sure if I would attend at first, but I was talked into it and mostly enjoyed the first week. However, the second week, something was different. I noticed a new level of comfort, and I remember consciously thinking “I like these people” during the hour. I almost never like people.

During the closing prayer, my good friend Jericho asked that if anyone in the room is seeking Jesus, that they be granted the ability to let that energy in. And I thought to myself “You know what? I need a bit of direction so I’m in.”

Almost instantly, I began to have the strongest, most intense physical feeling I couldn’t even try to explain. A deep warmth came over me, and it was as if a fireball had exploded inside my chest. I had the urge to scream aloud, but was unable to.

When I opened my eyes, tears were flowing down my cheeks. Others at the table noticed my sudden change of demeanor and asked what happened, but I had no clue what just occurred. Barely able to speak, I conveyed that my chest got hot and I just sort of froze.

“Ah! That’s the Holy Spirit. Congratulations!”

I sat mostly in reflective silence from that point forward. I couldn’t understand. It was tripping me out. My concept of God and the Holy Spirit had nothing to do with physical sensation – yet somehow, there was a force that had taken my body over for a brief period of time. My entire viewpoint on reality had forever shifted in that moment.

This happened on June 19th, 2001. Although I didn’t start decoding until I was 31, I was always a stickler for remembering important dates.

Fast forward to August 14th, 2001. That morning, I again woke up a completely different person than I was the night before.

When I think of someone falling in love, I picture a guy who meets a girl through friends, through school, or at some party. They agree to go on a date, which turns into a few more dates, and then one day the guy realizes he’s in love with her, or vice-versa. If they’re lucky, it happens at about the same time. Of course, it happens differently with everyone. For me, all it took was a night of sleep and a vivid dream.

I worked with quite a few girls at the coffee house. Although there was one around my age I had my eye on, there was another two years older than me who had just graduated high school. I never once thought of her as anything other than a friendly co-worker and someone I got along with. I never once considered liking her in that way. I never once thought that maybe it could work between us.

Despite all that, I woke up that summer Tuesday morning entirely, completely, and 100% head over heels in love with her.

I can’t possibly describe how exactly how I felt, but I’ll say this: everyone thinks Tom Cruise is crazy for how he acted on Oprah regarding his love for Katie Holmes. I actually thought nothing of it. “Oh, he feels how I felt about that one girl” was my reaction.

My ideations of romance, however, were hopeless from the start, and all I got out of it was a broken heart. But I certainly reveled in it, becoming almost obsessed with this new notion of “love” and how I could re-capture it with someone else. I never did.

That dream I had did not come from my brain alone, but from the unified field of consciousness. Why would I say this?

At the end of the dream, which is really the only part I still remember, we were at work and she was standing on the other side of the kitchen door, which had a small window. Through it, I saw her hugging some random guy, and for whatever reason, this seemed like the trigger for what I would end up going through.

The following spring, in 2002, after the awkwardness between us had been wiped away, the exact same scene from my dream played out, with her hugging the guy she was seeing on the other side of the door. Every detail I could remember was the exact same. Perhaps this was my version of a premonition. Whatever it was, it convinced me that the entire episode was something I was meant to experience, and I was able to find comfort in that.

Okay…so, why is a 39-year-old numerology Blogger writing about his pitiful puppy love that went unrequited? I guess I wanted to convey why these events from my youth are etched deeply into my consciousness, and how they are instrumental in my development, whether I like it or not. But more importantly, it’s vital to understanding the extreme synchronicity I had this week.

Enter Bobby @ Casey Jones Astrology. While he’s not the biggest name in the decoding community, he is perhaps the largest disc of the spine that holds it together and propels it forward. His observations have always been ahead of the curve, and I can honestly say I don’t know what my decodes would look like today without his input from over the years.

On August 14th, before we learned about Gena Rowlands, Bobby mentioned the date his heart chakra opened on multiple occasions:

And I noted how funny it was that he brought it up on that particular date:

Bobby had a powerful experience with his heart chakra on May 6th, 2022, which I compare to my spiritual awakening on June 19th, 2001:

After this back-and-forth, we learned that the monkeypox outbreak was declared a public health emergency that day. This blew our minds, because in 2022, the monkeypox outbreak was confirmed on May 6th – the same exact day as his heart chakra opening:

So a little bit later, I went to check the news about monkeypox, but instead I came across news that actress Gena Rowlands died.

I got sidetracked and checked out Gena’s info. The first thing I noticed is that she was born in Wisconsin, where I was born and raised, and lived there as an adult too. But check out these dates:

June 19th and August 14th? These are the same two dates I was just discussing with Bobby. Then I noticed her middle name Cathryn. The nickname for Cathryn is often Katie, which is the name of the girl I liked because of that dream. I never saw Katie again after she moved to Madison for school, and that’s apparently where Gena was born.

While I won’t share Katie’s last name here, it translates to Highlands when reviewing the etymology. Gena’s last name was Rowlands, which kind of sounds like Lowlands.

Gena died at age 94 exactly 23 years after my silly dream:

Heart chakra = 94 and 203

Holy Spirit has matching 203 gematria with my full name.

"Holy Spirit" = 203 (Capitals Added)

"Derek Michael J Tikkuri" = 203 (Ordinal)

Gena Rowlands has the same G.R. initials as Gretchen Ross.

Gretchen Ross and Tears for Fears both = 203 Caps Added

Gena’s husband of 35 years, John Cassavetes, died on February 3rd, or 2/03.

That was a span of 230 days after Gena’s birthday:

The couple’s deaths are separated by 193 days on the calendar:

They were born a span of 193 days apart:

193 is the 44th Prime number

"John Cassavetes" = 44 (Reduction)

John Cassavetes died a span of exactly 44 months after I was born:

Gretchen Ross is the name of Donnie’s girlfriend in the film Donnie Darko, which premiered at Sundance before my ordeal in 2001, but did not have a theatrical release until October of 2001, just as it was all unfolding. Oh yeah baby – now we’re about to go down the (Frank the) Rabbit hole.

For many months, I was Head over heels in love. In that movie, there is an unusually long music break for the song Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears. That song was released as a single just ten days after I was born in June of 1985. Coincidentally, there was a period during the late 90’s when Tears for Fears was absolutely my favorite band, and my lip sync for 8th grade Drama class was to the song Shout.

Donnie Darko learns when the world will end on October 2nd, 1988, the same date he would later die.

That’s a span of 2001 days after Katie was born:

My dream was between the night of 8/13 and the morning of 8/14.

Donnie Darko documents events that take place in October of 1988, between Brown Lunation Numbers 813 and 814:

On September 11th, 2001, the Twin Towers were destroyed. I’m a Gemini, which is the sign comprised of Twins. My own mom was a non-identical Twin. Katie was born as a non-identical Twin.

September 11th, 2001 was the only time I ever saw her on campus, when I bumped into her on my way out of the building (she had already graduated).

Gena Rowlands and I have the same gematria in multiple methods, particularly Reverse.

Virginia Cathryn Rowlands and Virginia Cathryn Rowlands both = 337 and 122

I first felt the Spirit of God on Gena’s 71st birthday:

Spirit and God both = 71

My dream and Gena Rowlands’ passing each fell 71 days after my birthday:

The 71st Prime number is 353

"Donnie Darko" = 353 (Standard)

I was 35 years, 3 days old when I made my Donnie Darko post in 2020 (totally unplanned).

2001 was the year of the 9/11 attacks, where four airplanes crashed. Donnie Darko, which premiered on the date 1/19, was about the death of Donnie due to a fallen airplane engine on a date with Primary numerology of 119:(10) + (2) + (19) + (88) = 119

Jena Malone, who plays Gretchen in the film, was 6110 days old for my dream, which was eight weeks after my Holy Spirit reception.

Holy Spirit = 151 and 119

My Holy Spirit experience fell 151 days after Donnie Darko premiered on 1/19:

Tears for Fears, Gretchen Ross, Donald Darko, and Katie X all = 151

Katie Goral was 15100 days old when Gena passed:

2001 was the year the WTC was destroyed on Manhattan Island in a Jesus Christ riddle.

Jesus Christ, Manhattan Island, Manhattan, and WTC all = 151

"The Moon" = 151 (Reverse Caps Added)

Gena Rowlands was born on the 19th of June, or 19/6, the same date as my answered prayer in 2001:

Donald Darko and Katie X both = 196

I was born a span of 196 days after Jena Malone:

196 days = exactly 28 weeks

Donnie Darko was shown at Sundance 280 days before its theatrical release:

In the movie, which was filmed over a 28-day period, Donnie learns the world will end in a little over 28 days.

My ethereal dream was 28 days before the 9/11 attacks:

If things weren’t already weird enough…this only gets wilder.

Rowlands turned 878 Lunations old a few days before my experience:

"Derek Michael J Tikkuri" = 878 (Standard)

Rowlands died exactly 282 Lunar phases after Donnie Darko’s wide release:

"Derek Tikkuri" = 282 (Capitals Mixed)

When I was a child in a crib, I used to have night terrors. If you don’t know what those are, lower the volume a little and look it up. They’re like nightmares, but they scare those around you more than they scare you. Those having them wake up with no memory of the episode, nor the dream itself.

When I grew old enough to be in a bed, I began sleepwalking all over the house. Similarly, I never had any recollection of those instances either.

I point this out in light of the fact that Donnie Darko’s sleepwalking is what saves his life during the beginning of the movie. He does this quite often, in fact, it plays a big role in the plot. Habitual sleepwalking is clinically referred to as Somnambulism, or Noctambulism.

I was born under Brown Lunation # 772

Derek Tikkuri = 772, 142, and 182, Somnambulism = 772, Noctambulism = 142 and 182

Jake Gyllenhaal

Gena Rowlands and Jake Gyllenhaal both = 898 and 52

Jake Gyllenhaal was born exactly 50 years, 6 months after Gena Rowlands, and exactly 246 months before my moment of clarity:

Jake Gyllenhaal = 246 and 506 Caps Mixed

The first plane struck the World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m.

Jake was 8 years, 46 days old when Gena’s husband died:

John Cassavetes passed away 124 days after the date Donnie Darko begins:

Head Over Heels was released on a date with Primary numerology of 124:(6) + (14) + (19) + (85) = 124

"I love you" = 124 (Ordinal)

Katie’s birthday is 12/4 or 4/12

"Donald Donnie Darko" = 412 (Latin)

Jake Gyllenhaal = 124 and 254

She was born 120 weeks, 4 days after Jake Gyllenhaal and 2 years, 54 days before me:

September 11th is the 254th day of the year:

There are 254 Sidereal months in the Moon’s Metonic cycle. This period of time is also exactly 19 years and 235 Lunar phases.

Katie = 19 and 235

19 is an important number to women. Consider for example how the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, was passed in both the House and Senate in 1919. I’ve also talked recently about how Water is connected to Female symbolism.

The 19th Prime number is 67

Female and Water both = 67

She was a span of 6700 days old when I had my dream:

"Derek Michael J Tikkuri" = 670 (Reverse Caps Mixed)

Katie quit the coffee house in October of 2001 to start another job, but came back in February of 2002. I always thought this was funny, because the first time I worked a shift with her again was on February 14th, or Valentine’s Day. The date can be written as 14/2.

Katie, The Moon, and Jena Malone all = 142

Derek Tikkuri = 142 and 61

I was a span of 6100 days old on that 14/2 date:

Donnie, Donnie Darko, Gretchen Ross, Somnambulism, Gena Rowlands, Holy Spirit, Tears for Fears, and God all = 61

Donnie Darko is a film about bending the concept of Time.

"Time" = 61 (Reverse)

The 61st Prime number is 283

The Moon and Katie X both = 283

Gena Rowlands = 131 Latin Ordinal and Virginia Cathryn Rowlands = 131 S Exception

Gena Rowlands died 13100 days after the special Donnie Darko Date:

Gretchen Ross is played by Jena Laine Malone.

Jena Laine Malone = 131 and 274

I was born 20074 days after Gena Rowlands:

My enlightening was exactly 274 Sidereal months after Jake Gyllenhaal was born:

"Katie" = 276 (Sumerian)

23 years is equivalent to 276 months:

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