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Tim Walz Chosen as Kamala Harris’s 2024 Running Mate

Vice President Kamala Harris names Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate

Sonya Massey Shooting

Last week, I made this video, which explained how the shooting of Sonya Massey was a riddle connected to Kamala Harris and her nomination for the presidency.

The big connection with that story was that Massey was attempting to throw boiling water on the police. Water boils at 212°, and Sonya Massey was born on February 12th, or 2/12. That video also talked about Mark Kelly, who was born on 21/2, potentially becoming the VP.

This is a number connected to Kamala Harris, and as we see now, Timothy James Walz.

Timothy James Walz and Kamala Harris both = 212 and 86 Reverse

Today is August 6th, or 8/6

Also in my video, I explained why Sonya Massey is to the 2024 election what George Floyd was to the 2020 election. George Floyd died in Minnesota, which is the state that Tim Walz governs.

Minnesota and President both = 110, 133, 52, and 47

On the anniversary of Floyd’s death this year, we got the death of a golfer named Grayson Murray. Massey was shot by an officer named Grayson.

Minnesota was the 32nd state

Tim Walz was selected a span of 32 days after Sonya was killed:

"Tim Walz" = 32 (Reduction)

Massey was shot on the 6th of July, or 6/7.

January 20th falls a span of exactly 67 months after Walz became Governor:

The 67th Prime number is 331

Timothy James Walz = 67 and Kamala Harris = 331

Tim Walz has double gematria of 156, matching Sonya Massey in Ordinal.

Tim Walz = 1560 and 156

"Sonya Massey" = 156 (Ordinal)

Skull and Bones

Tim Walz was exactly 723 months old when Sonya Massey was shot:

Kamala will be exactly 723 months old on Inauguration Day:

Turning 723 months old means you are in the first day of your 724th month since birth.

Tim Walz was exactly 724 months old when Kamala made him the VP pick:

Recall how it was month 7 of ’24 when Kamala Harris became the Democrats’ nominee for President.

"President Kamala Harris" = 724 (Latin)

The Brotherhood of Death and Number of the Beast both = 724 Latin

These same digits are found in the Standard value of Timothy James Walz.

"Timothy James Walz" = 2704 (Standard)

The Brotherhood of Death is another name for the Skull and Bones secret society, which is headquartered at 64 High Street:

In Satanic gematria, Skull and Bones = 604 and Secret society = 640 Reverse

Tim was born on the 6th of April, or 6/04

Tim Walz was also exactly 60 years, 4 months old:

Yale University, home to the Skull and Crossbones223 (Order 322) turned 322 years old in 2023.

Two hundred twenty three, Three hundred twenty two, Skull and Bones society, and Skull And Bones all = 295

Tim Walz was born exactly 295 Lunations before Sonya Massey:

More Notes

"Kamala Harris" = 614 (Fibonacci)

Kamala was born 6 months, 14 days (or 198 days) after Tim Walz:

Inauguration Day falls 6 months, 14 days (or 198 days after Sonya Massey died:

"President Harris" = 1098 (Sumerian)

Beast = 47 Ordinal and 198 Latin

It will be the inauguration of the 47th president.

Tim Walz was 19999 days old when he became Governor:

"Six hundred sixty six" = 2038 (Latin)

Tim Walz was a span of 22038 days old for his selection:

Tim Walz became Minnesota’s governor 2038 days before Inauguration Day, which is exactly 666 months after the Moon landing:

National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666 Reverse, Fake Moon landing = 666 Satanic, Apollo = 666 Fibonacci

NASA was founded on the date 7/29. Walz will be 729 months old for Inauguration Day.

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