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Death of Racine Executive Synced to Rittenhouse and Austrian GP

George Russell wins Austrian GP in last-minute upset after Max Verstappen, Lando Norris collision

This is Part 2 of a three-part post.

In Part 1, I pointed out how Jonathan Delagrave has matching 1663 gematria with Waterford Union HS, where his collapsed body was found.

Jonathan Delagrave and Waterford Union both = 1663 Latin

This matches the Standard value of Robert Jozef Kubica.

"Robert Jozef Kubica" = 1663 (Standard)

Why is this relevant? Robert Kubica is a Polish F1 driver and one-time Grand Prix winner. This means he’s a professional at Racing. Delagrave was the County Executive for Racine. He was found dead on the racetrack at Waterford Union HS.

Is this just a coincidence? Well, consider that Kubica was born on December 7th – the same date that Racine County was founded:

Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave = 1207, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 127, Rittenhouse = 1027, and Cory D Mason = 127

In Ordinal, Robert Jozef Kubica sums to 187.

"Robert Jozef Kubica" = 187 (Ordinal)

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Adolf Hitler both = 187

Racine County is currently 187 years old:

"Racine County" = 148 (Ordinal)

Kubica was born exactly 148 years after Racine County was formed:

The city of Racine was founded on the date leaving 148 days in the year:

So how could we have figured out the winner of today’s Austrian Grand Prix, George Russell, based on this riddle? Back to the 1663 connection from above.

Robert Kubica has just one victory during his 99-race F1 career. In 2008, he set foot atop of the podium at the Canadian Grand Prix.

Jonathan Delagrave died a span of exactly 16 years, 3 weeks after Kubica’s only win:

June 28th was also a span of 163 days before Racine County’s anniversary:

Kubica is Polish, or a Pole. Three weeks ago, there was a major ritual at the Canadian Grand Prix when George Russell tied Max Verstappen for pole position.

"George Russell" = 163 (Ordinal)

Russell drives #63

The Pole Kubica had one career pole position, and it was 63 days before his only win.

Kubica won a span of 16 weeks, 3 days after Russell’s birthday:

The Rittenhouse shooting was exactly 163 weeks before Yale’s big 322 date:

This was just Russell’s second career win. His first was in Brazil in 2022.

George Russell’s second win fell 85 weeks after his first:

Kubica was 8585 days old for his only F1 victory:


Russell’s full name sums to 1448.

"George William Russell" = 1448 (Standard)

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 448 (Ordinal) and "Scottish Rite" = 1448 (Trigonal)

Kubica was 14448 days of age when the Executive died:

Delagrave = 39 and 390, Racine = 309 Fibonacci

The Pole was also exactly 39 years, 6 months, 3 weeks old:

Masonry = 39 and 630

"Masonic" = 223 (Latin)

"Racine" = 223 (Reverse Caps Mixed)

"Robert Kubica" = 125 (Ordinal)

Cory D. Mason IV was born on 1/25:

The 125th Prime number is 691

"Masonry" = 691 (Latin) and "The Brotherhood of Death" = 691 (Reverse Caps Mixed)

The Brotherhood of Death is headquartered at Yale.

"Hurricane" = 426 (Latin)

The Executive died 2,426 days after Cory Mason became the Racine mayor:

The Executive died 2,426 days after Cory Mason became the Racine mayor:

The city of Racine was incorporated 4260 days after Racine County:


Racine, Wisconsin is currently 175 years old. Last year, George Russell finished with 175 points.

Racine Wisconsin = 175 and 1039

The 175th Prime number is 1039

"Poland" = 175 (Latin)

Max Verstappen was on his way to his 62nd win in Formula One.

"Poland" = 62 (Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 62 (Reverse Reduction)

The Rittenhouse shooting was 62 days after Freemasonry’s anniversary:

"Mason" = 62 (Ordinal)

In Standard, Poland sums to 215.

"Poland" = 215 (Standard)

George Russell was born on February 15th, or 2/15:

"George Russell" = 215 (Capitals Added)

Austrian Riddle

To start World War II, Poland was invaded by the German forces led by Adolf Hitler, who was born in Austria. Today’s Formula One race was held in Austria.

Back in 2021, I was following a riddle connecting the state of Wisconsin to Hitler and his invasion of Poland. This was because of the shooting involving Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The last name Rittenhouse is Austrian.

Jonathan died 200 weeks, 3 days after the Rittenhouse shooting:

Rittenhouse was born in 2003:

Rittenhouse and Cory D. Mason both = 143

"Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 143 (Reverse Reduction)

Delagrave passed away 1403 days (or exactly 3 years, 44 weeks) after the Rittenhouse shooting:

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 344 and Freemasonry = 2311 Squares

The 344th Prime number is 2311

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