“Purple Rain” in San Francisco Tonight
It’s a bit rainy in San Francisco for the 49ers game against Green Bay tonight.
Prince performed the halftime show under the rain during the Super Bowl:
Today has Primary numerology of 65:
Purple Rain sums to 58.
The logo for Super Bowl 58 is Purple:
Prince, who died at the age of 58, was born in the year ’58:
His birthday is June 7th, or 6/7. The score at halftime read 6-7:
Skull and Bones
Prince played Purple Rain under the rain during Super Bowl 41.
41 is the 13th Prime number
Six six six (666)
My recent work has discussed how this postseason is a riddle connected to NASA and their Apollo missions.
666 has matching 283 gematria with The Moon.
Final Score
197 is the 45th Prime number
The Packers won Super Bowl 45
The game ended with a total of 45 points: