Actor Robert Downey Sr. Dies @ 85
Robert Downey Sr., father of another famous actor Robert Downey Jr., was born on a date with Primary numerology of 85:
Both father and son share the same full name, Robert John Downey. Downey Sr. has died at the age of 85 on the date 7/7 in 2021.
July 7th is the date leaving 177 days in the year:
“Kill” Code
The number 86 is often used as slang for “offing” or “getting rid of”.
The name Downey has matching 86 Ordinal gematria with the number Nineteen.
The elder Downey’s June 24th date of birth on the 219th anniversary of modern Freemasonry leaves 190 days on the calendar:
Today’s date has a Life Lesson number of 19, which is connected to the number 244:
These numbers are found in the gematria of Robert Downey Senior, and are connected to the Kill code in Hebrew.
Robert Downey Jr. was born on 4/4 in the year ‘65.
“Sacrifice” Code
Downey Sr. passed away after a long battle with Parkinson’s on a date with Primary numerology of 55:
Both words also share 46 and 62 gematria.
In Latin/Jewish gematria, Parkinson’s sums to 470, like 47, which is connected to the name Downey.
The 47th Prime number is 211
The name Robert Downey Jr. has matching 211 Ordinal gematria with the phrase Ritual human sacrifice, which syncs up with 94 and 33.
Robert Downey Jr. was born on the 94th day of the year:
His father’s death fell 94 days (or 3 months, 3 days) later:
Downey Sr. was born in 1936.
He died of Parkinson’s 271 days before his son’s birthday, which falls on the date leaving 271 days in the year: