Donnie Darko (2001) – A Tribute to “Time”
The most prominent character on the poster is the film’s most symbolic element, Frank the Rabbit.
The primary plot thread of the film Donnie Darko is about time travel. The word time has Satanic gematria of 187. This is the Reverse value of Donnie Darko, which sums to 61 in Reduction.
In the film, Donnie begins dating a girl named Gretchen Ross.
The main theme of the film is a cover of a Tears For Fears song, Mad World. The movie also contains a two-and-a-half minute musical scene featuring another Tears For Fears song, Head Over Heels, which ends with the line “time flies”.

Time / 119 Code
In Hebrew, Time sums to 97.
The film stars both Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal.
97 is the 25th Prime number
The 47th Prime number is 211
Donnie asks his science teacher, Dr. Kenneth Monnitoff, if he believes in time travel. Monnitoff gives Donnie a book called The Philosophy of Time Travel.
The book was written by Roberta Sparrow.
Towards the end of the film, Donnie and Gretchen attempt to visit Roberta Sparrow’s home, only to find two bullies named Seth and Ricky there, burglarizing it.
The Yiddish word for time sums to 119 in Hebrew gematria. The letters are worth 9-10-10-90.
Donnie Darko‘s Sundance debut was on January 19th, written 1/19.
The film begins on October 2nd, 1988, a date with Primary numerology of 119:
Early on in the film, Donnie Darko encounters a man in a scary rabbit costume while sleepwalking. The man warns him that the world will end in 28 days. This warning begins at 9:11 of the film’s Director’s Cut (h/t Out of the Maze):
148 Code / Gretchen Ross
Jake plays a character named Donnie, who lives in the town of Middlesex.
He encounters a man wearing a rabbit costume while sleepwalking. The film’s climax takes place on Halloween.
In Sumerian gematria, any Ordinal value of 148 becomes 888. For decades, it was taught that Saturn was an average of 888 million miles from the Sun (until I started teaching numerology). Saturn is the keeper of time.
The 558 value of Saturn is found in the Jewish gematria of Donnie’s girlfriend, Gretchen Ross.
In that Jewish cipher, Saturn sums to 511. This is the Ordinal value of The Philosophy of Time Travel – Roberta Sparrow.
During the film, Donnie reaches into his medicine cabinet, revealing a pill bottle and its prescription details:
This also means the film’s 1/19 premiere fell a span of 7 months, 24 days (or 236 days) before 9/11:
Frank the Rabbit
In Ordinal, The Philosophy of Time Travel sums to 322.
Recall it was Roberta Sparrow who wrote the book.
Duval was born on a date with Primary numerology of 110, showing another connection between Donnie Darko and the Rabbit:
Because Duval was born in a leap year, his date of birth was the 254th day of the year. The 254th day in non-leap years is September 11th:
The words time and light both sum to 254 in English.
Gyllenhaal’s birthday also falls 99 months, 9 days after Duval’s for an upside-down 666.
88 Code
Time travel sums to 44 in Reduction. This is the Ordinal value of the tool we use to tell time, a clock.
The main character’s initials are D.D., like the number 44.
44×2 = 88. 88 is the universal symbol for the passage of time. Recall how the DeLorean must travel 88 mph to achieve time travel in Back To The Future:
Donnie Darko takes place in the year ’88. The film’s titular character is played by Jake Gyllenhaal.
His girlfriend Gretchen is played by Jena Malone. Adding her name to Jake’s also sums to 88.
Frank’s warning tells Donnie he has 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds until the world ends. 28+6+42+12 = 88.
In Reverse, The Philosophy of Time Travel sums to 353. This is the English gematria of Donnie Darko.