Belgian Cat Tests Positive for Coronavirus
This story was published today, a date with Standard numerology of 51
It’s said the cat is from Liège, Belgium. As usual, the foreign character is not included in its gematria.
Today is 5 months, 1 day after the Prime Minister of Belgium was sworn in:
In Standard Reduction, Liège, Belgium sums to 57, the Reverse value of cat.
In Ordinal, cat sums to 24, the Reduction value of Liège.
“33” Code
Both Liège and Belgium sum to 33. Appropriate for a feline with corona.
The Mayor of Liège, Belgium is Willy Demeyer, whose name has matching gematria with thirty-three.
CNN’s headline sums to 333 in that same cipher:
In this 2010 episode of The Simpsons, TV executives create a fake disease to create a staged crisis called the House Cat Flu. There’s even a helicopter crash right before the scene begins (think Kobe Bryant). The episode was titled The Fool Monty.
Today’s story came out a span of 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days before Belgium’s national holiday:
Circle Riddle
Belgian National Day recognizes the nation’s independence, gained in 1831. The holiday is 188 years old and today is a span of 8 months, 8 days later:
The King of Belgium, Philippe, began his reign on Belgian National Day in 2013. He has reigned for a span of 80 months, 8 days:
88 represents the infinite loop of time.
The number 88 is made up of four circles. Four circles have a total of 1440 degrees, and there are 1440 minutes in a day.
The mathematics of the circle are resolved with Pi, or 3.14.
Mathematics of the circle sums to 666 in that Jewish cipher.
The Magic Square of the Sun sums to 666. The atmosphere of the Sun is called the corona. Today’s news was published on March 28th, the date written 28/3 in Belgium.
6+6+6 = 18. Today is 18 days before King Philippe’s birthday.