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The Death of Chris Farley (1964-1997)

Another man with the name Christopher who died in relation to the numerology of Jesus Christ.

His final guest appearance on Saturday Night Live was on October 25th, 1997, a date with Full numerology of 151 and 61(10) + (25) + (19) + (97) = 151 & (10) + (25) + 1+9+9+7 = 67

"Jesus Christ" = 151 (English Ordinal)

"Jesus" = 61 (Reverse Ordinal)"Chris Farley" = 61 (Full Reduction)

He died 1 month, 23 days later:1 Month, 23 Days

"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 123 (Full Reduction)

Farley was found dead in his John Hancock Center apartment on a date with Full numerology of 146(12) + (18) + (19) + (97) = 146

"Jesus Christ" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)

"John Hancock Center" = 1046 (Jewish)

That date, December 18th, is the day that leaves 13 days in the year:

"JC" = 13 (English Ordinal)

Jesus’ initials, J.C., sum to 13
J.C. = 10-3
He was crucified at age 33
Farley died 10 months, 3 days after his 33rd birthday:33 Years, 10 Months, 3 Days

"Christopher Crosby Farley" = 333 (Reverse Ordinal)

He died on December 18th

December eighteenth = 156 & 330, "thirty-three" = 156

"Chris" = 33 (Reverse Full Reduction)

On the third day after the crucifixion, Jesus was resurrected. Notice how Farley is buried at Resurrection Cemetery. Resurrection has gematric overlap with his official cause of death, which in turn lines up nicely with the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, who operates by the eclipse code.

Resurrection of Jesus matches Christopher Farley in the Reverse order:

"Resurrection of Jesus" = 253 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Christopher Farley" = 253 (Reverse Ordinal)

Christopher Crosby Farley died 253 days before August 28th, the date written 28/8253 Days

"Christopher Crosby Farley" = 288 (English Ordinal)

Eclipse Crucifixion Code

In the Gospels, during the crucifixion, Jesus shoutedEli, Eli, why have you forsaken me?”
The word ELI turned upside-down is the number 173

"Chris Farley" = 173 (Reverse Ordinal)

He was even 1.73 meters tall.

Many believe Jesus was sacrificed under a solar eclipse.

"Total solar eclipse" = 67 (Full Reduction) "Crucifixion" = 67 (Reverse Full Reduction)"Blood sacrifice" = 67 (Full Reduction) "Human sacrifice" = 67 (Full Reduction)

"Farley" = 67 (English Ordinal)

Farley died exactly 70 days before the next total eclipse70 Days

"Total eclipse" = 70 (Reverse Full Reduction)

The next total solar eclipse after that was the Great European eclipse in August of 1999. Farley died 601 days before that date:
601 Days

"Chris Farley" = 61 (Full Reduction)

Jesus = 74 Ordinal, 61 Reverse

Farley was born in Madison, Wisconsin

"Madison, Wisconsin" = 74 (Full Reduction)

The date of that European eclipse had great numerology:(8) + (11) + (19) + (99) = 137, (8) + (11) + 1+9+9+9 = 47, and August 11th leaves 142 days in the year

Total eclipse sums to 137 and 47 in Ordinal / Reduction:"Total eclipse" = 137 (English Ordinal)"Total eclipse" = 47 (Full Reduction)"Eclipse sacrifice" = 142 (English Ordinal)

"Chris Farley" = 1042 (English Extended)

It’s said Farley died due to a combination of cocaine & morphine

"Cocaine & morphine" = 257 (Reverse Ordinal)

Is this also supposed to clue us in that he was a blood sacrifice for a total solar eclipse?

"Blood sacrifice" = 257 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Total solar eclipse" = 257 (Reverse Ordinal)

Numbers of Sacrifice

"Christopher Farley" = 206 (English Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 206 (Jewish)

In Reduction, the word sacrifice sums to 46, the number for both kill and murder in Hebrew gematria:"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction) "להרוג (to kill)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal) "רצח (murder)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal)

Farley was born on the 46th day of the year:Day of Year: (Feb-15)

He died just 3 days after turning 406 months old:406 Months

Farley died in Chicago on a date with alternate numerology of 46(12) + (18) + 9+7 = 46

"Chicago" = 46 (English Ordinal)

Also worth noting that his birthday is written 2/15, in light of what he was most famous for:"Saturday Night Live" = 215 (English Ordinal)


38 is another significant number in death/killing rituals:Death, Killing, Murder, and RIP all sum to 38 in one of the base ciphers

The date Farley died had Reduced numerology of 381+2 + 1+8 + 1+9+9+7 = 38

The 38th Prime number is 163

"Christopher Crosby Farley" = 1630 (Jewish)

The 163rd day of the year is June 12th, written 12/6

Christopher Crosby Farley = 126 in both Reduction methods

When I think of Chris Farley, I usually think of Matt Foley, the motivational speaker he played on one of the most famous SNL skits of all-time.

"Matt Foley" = 126 (Reverse Ordinal)

Popular characters performed by Farley included Matt Foley, an over-the-top motivational speaker who constantly reminded other characters that he "lived in a van, down by the river."

lived in a van, down by the river = 103 & 301 in Reduction / Ordinal

1331 is the number that represents a solar eclipse, and appears central to the eclipse crucifixion code.

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