President Joe Biden Diagnosed with COVID-19
Today has Primary numerologies of 70 and 34:
547 is the 101st Prime number
These same digits are found in the gematria of President, which also sums to 133 in Reverse.
Today is a span of 133 days (or exactly 19 weeks) after the anniversary of COVID-19 being declared a global pandemic:
The last two men to hold the position of POTUS were diagnosed with the “virus” 1 year, 9 months, 19 days apart:
“Cancer” Riddle
In 2015, Joe’s namesake Beau Biden died of Cancer. He was born in ’69, which looks like the glyph for the astrological sign of Cancer:
Today, July 21st, is 169 days after Beau’s birthday and 2,609 days after Beau’s death – on top of that, it’s also the last full day of Cancer.
Cancer is the only sign ruled by the Moon, whose Fall is in Scorpio – Joe Biden’s birth sign. Scorpio’s ruling planet is Mars, and this morning saw a Moon/Mars conjunction.
Yesterday, people went bonkers after Joe Biden “accidentally” said he had Cancer:
Biden’s speech was in Somerset, Massachusetts, which has matching 132 gematria with Cancer in Latin/Jewish.
He’s been widely accused of being the beneficiary of a stolen election from Donald Trump, who was born on the 165th day of the year:
Joe Biden was also sworn into office on an exact lunar count, having been 1045 sidereal months (lunar orbits) old: