Rush Drummer Neil Peart Dies @ 67 From Brain Cancer
Rush released their final album, Clockwork Angels, on the date 6/12. Notice how the hands on the album’s cover are pointed at 9:12
Neil Peart was born on 9/12
The 2019 total solar eclipse fell a span of 9 months, 21 days after Peart’s birthday:
Today’s news falls 192 days after that 2019 eclipse
During that eclipse, Peart was 66 years old. He then died a span of 6 months, 6 days later:
6 months, 6 days is also 190 days:
Peart had birth numerology of 19
Peart was in his 24400th day since birth on the date of last year’s total eclipse:
The 19th Prime number is 67
The Rush drummer died at age 67, in the 118th day of his age:
118 is found in the values both both Death and Drummer
Notice how the gematria of drummer lines up with his birth numerology:
The 38th Prime number is 163
His death fell a span of 163 days after the birthday of Rush frontman Geddy Lee, whose name sums to 67 like Peart’s age:
Peart was born on September 12th, the date that leaves 110 days in the year:
News of his death in Santa Monica was not published until 1/10
“Kill” Code
He died on January 7th, the date written 1/7
He died of brain cancer
The 44th Prime number is 193
News of his death fell a span of 193 days after the 2019 total eclipse:
Rush’s first album was released on the year ’74, which was 45 years ago:
Notice the album’s release date, 1/3, like the number 13
Thirteen this 45 gematria with drumming
Neil Peart died 117 days after his birthday and 11 months, 7 days before the next total solar eclipse:
“Sacrifice” Code
You could also say that 2020 is the 46th year since Rush’s first album was released.
Peart’s Standard birth numerology was 73
His death falls a span of 7 years, 30 weeks after Rush’s final album:
That final album is called Clockwork Angels. Think about that in terms of this man dying, and thus perhaps ascending, by the numbers of time…
1289 is the 209th Prime number
Peart had 29 birth numerology: