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Dislocated Finger Creates “Crossed Bones” on 3/22

Hey all! Adam here. Just a quick little story to share from my morning.

This brief story is quite organic, as the majority of our daily experiences turn out to be.

A group of guys play what we call “Sunrise Basketball” in Kenosha, WI, usually starting a little after 6:00 AM. It was within the few minutes of the first game that I dislocated my left index finger. It was pretty gruesome for some to see, as my finger took a 90º turn at the second knuckle. As I popped it back in place and asked for a substitute, I glanced at the clock to see 6:11 AM as I began taping up my fingers just after I “crossed” my “bones(thank you Derek for that one!).

Flashbacks to 8/27/2021 while I was in Oklahoma City came to mind, where I also sustained a dislocated pinky finger playing softball sliding into home.

Yup. Same numbers.

This is where it gets even more organic and trippy.

From my first dislocated finger (left little finger) to my second dislocated finger today (left index finger):

The date 8/27/2021 occurred in Lunation 1220.

Not only is the number 122 in my birth numerology, but look at the gematria of dislocated left little finger and Oklahoma City:

Really? The exact date and lunation count?! Even that year of 2021 is like 1220?! 🤯😵‍💫

Apparently I was supposed to receive that injury that day, or so it seems.

Just out of curiosity, I Googled how far it was from Kenosha to Oklahoma City:

Additionally, these two finger dislocations were 186 weeks apart.

My full name in ordinal:

Skull & Crossbones & Adam?

First, let’s just look at the gematria from the heading of this section 😆:

Learn about Order 322.

Interesting that today 3/22 (or 22/3 to the rest of the world) would be the day I receive my second “crossed bones” injury.  This is the second time that I have dislocated a finger on the left hand.

"Skull and Crossbones" = 223 (Ordinal)

Notice the number under the skull and crossbones is 322. Derek shares quite a bit about 322 in other posts, so you can search the blog and find some astounding information.

That first “crossed bones” dislocation for me was even 322 days after The Society’s anniversary!?

My full name and crossed bones, along with my apparent susceptibility to a dislocation injury:


That first dislocation injury happened on 8/27/2021, a date with 76 and 22 numerology:

So yeah, what’s going on? haha 😆


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