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17-Car Pileup in Austin, Texas Kills Five

17-vehicle crash in Austin, Texas leaves 3 adults, 2 kids dead

This is Part 1 of a two-part post:

This happened in Texas’s capital city of Austin just hours before the Pi Day Lunar Eclipse.

"Stephen Fuller Austin" = 2083 (Trigonal)

2083 is the 314th Prime number

The first four digits of Pi are 3.141.

Mar. 13th was 231 years, 4 months, 10 days after Stephen F. Austin was born:

The city of Austin is named after Stephen F. Austin, whose name is a Supermatch with The Jesuit Order.

Stephen F Austin and The Jesuit Order both = 177, 201, and 78, Jesuit, Austin, and Mayor Kirk Watson both = 78

Eclipse of the Sun = 177, Eclipse code and Eclipse ritual both = 201

The Jesuit Order

17 vehicles were involved

Last night was 170 days after the Jesuits’ anniversary:

Moon = 170 Latin and 17 Latin Reduction

The 17th Triangular number is 153

Austin Texas and Jesuit Order both = 153

Texas governor Greg Abbott had been in office for a span of 10 years, 53 days:

The Jesuits are also known as the Society of Jesus.

"Society of Jesus" = 191 (Ordinal)

Francis and Greg Abbott were born a span of exactly 1091 weeks apart:

The Hebrew word for Jesuits sums to 456:

Abbott was sworn in as governor exactly 45 years, 6 months after the Apollo 11 Moon landing:

That landing is said to have occurred on July 20th, or 7/20, which is seemingly a very significant part of the Lunar code:

"Five" = 720 (Latin)

In a city named after Stephen Austin and on the same night as a Lunar Eclipse, Five people died near the city of Austin, Texas in a significant Car accident on the 72nd day of the year:

Stephen Austin = 72 and 72, Lunar Eclipse = 72 and 720, Austin Texas, Car accident, and Jesuit Order all = 72 Reverse Reduction

The current Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, is the first Pope to (publicly) be a member of the Jesuit Order. The incident on March 13th fell on the anniversary of the South American being elected to lead the Catholic Church.

The tragedy fell exactly 144 months after Francis became Pope and 144 days after the F1 Grand Prix in Austin, Texas:

Jesuit Order and Austin Texas both = 144

This means it’s also the 12th anniversary of Francis becoming the Pope. It was also a span of 12 days after NASCAR raced at CotA in Austin.

Pi Day Eclipse = 1200 and 1002, Kirk Preston Watson = 1200, Eclipse, Circles, and Austin TX all = 120

Abbott became Governor on 1/20

Gregory Wayne Abbott was 120 days after his birthday and exactly 808 months old:

Gregory Wayne Abbott and Austin TX both = 88

The Pope will be a span of 88 years, 88 days old for the Pi Day Eclipse:

This post examines how the crash near Austin, TX is synced to The Jesuit Order and last night’s Total lunar eclipse.

"Austin" = 84 (Ordinal) and "Austin TX" = 840 (Latin)

The Jesuit pope has Primary birth numerology of 84:(12) + (17) + (19) + (36) = 84

Jesuit and The Jesuit Order both = 84

"Total lunar eclipse" = 804 (Latin)

The mayor of Austin turns 804 months old later this week:

Mayor Kirk Watson

The crash was on March 13th, or 3/13.

"Watson" = 313 (Primes)

The political leader of Austin, Texas is Mayor Kirk Watson:

"Mayor Kirk Watson" = 1958 (Trigonal)

He was born in 1958

"Car crash" = 266 (Latin)

The major Car crash happened 2 years, 66 days (or a span of 798 days) after Watson was sworn in:

"Total lunar eclipse" = 798 (Satanic)

Watson was born a span of 1,798 days before Michael Jordan:

"Mercury" = 798 (Latin)

Mercury is the Roman god of transportation, which once again applies to events such as this.

"Mercury" = 317 (Fibonacci)

Governor Greg Abbott was born on the 317th day of the year:

317 is the 66th Prime number

Kirk Watson is still 66 years old:

In a few days, he celebrates his birthday on a date with Primary numerology of 66:(3) + (18) + (20) + (25) = 66

Kirk Watson = 66, Austin, Gregory Wayne Abbott, and Pope Francis all = 660

Lunar, Eclipse, and Circles all = 66

"Five" = 66 (Reverse)

Appropriately for Pi Day, the state of Texas has two of the major numbers of the Lunar Eclipse code.

Texas = 69 and 66

Pi = 69 Latin and Circles = 69 Ordinal

Lunar and Eclipse both = 69

More Notes

Austin’s anniversary fell a span of 77 days before the crash and a span of 77 days before the Total lunar eclipse:

Total lunar eclipse and Kirk Preston Watson both = 77, Mayor Kirk Watson = 707

The 77th Prime number is 389

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 389 (Primes)

"Eclipse" = 222 (Standard)

The Car crash occurred exactly 2222 months, 2 weeks after Austin’s incorporation:

Car = 22, Crash = 22, 202, and 79

The 22nd Prime number is 79

Pileup, Pi, and Society of Jesus all = 79

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