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Lineman Ben Christman of UNLV Dies One Day Shy of 22nd Birthday

New Details Surface in Tragic Death of UNLV Football Player Ben Christman

This is my first of two posts on the related deaths of former Ohio State football players Ben Christman and Donovan Munger.

Benjamin Paul Christman was born on the date leaving 322 days in the year:

"Benjamin Paul Christman" = 223 (Ordinal)

"Skull and Crossbones" = 223 (Ordinal)

UNLV Rebels and Skull & Bones both = 130, 140, 49, and 59

Skull and Bones

This story is about the college football team that represents the city of Las Vegas. They share a stadium with the NFL team that calls Las Vegas home – the Raiders, who have Skull and Bones symbolism in their logo (similar to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers):

The Raiders played against the Buccaneers in the Super Bowl to end the 2002 football season. The Buccaneers would also go on to win the Super Bowl that ended the 2020 season.

The lineman died on 2/11, or February 11th. 2×11 = 22, and the date had a Life Lesson number of 22:(2) + (11) + 2+0+2+5 = 22

Ben Christman died at a span of exactly 22 years of age:

"UNLV Runnin Rebels" = 220 (Ordinal)

Prior to his transfer to UNLV, Ben played for Ohio State University, who won this year’s CFB National Championship.

He died 22 days after Ohio State won the National Championship:

"Ohio State" = 220 (Ordinal Mirror)

There are always 22 players on the field for each play of a football game.

"National Football League" = 220 (Ordinal)

"The Brotherhood of Death" = 220 (Ordinal)

The Brotherhood of Death is the nickname for the Skull and Bones society.

"Skull and Bones" = 149 (Ordinal)

The UNLV Runnin’ Rebels football program began on the 14th of September, or 14/9 in 1968 on September 14th:

Benjamin Paul Christman died 20604 days after UNLV football was launched and a span of exactly 264 months after he was born:

"Benjamin Paul Christman" = 2064 (Reverse Sumerian)

Both the Rebels and Raiders play in Allegiant Stadium.

"Allegiant Stadium" = 264 (Reverse)

Runnin Rebels and Brotherhood of Death both = 611 Latin, Blood sacrifice = 611 Satanic

Ben died 6 months, 11 days after the anniversary of Allegiant Stadium:

A lot of people believe Jesus died on 9/11.

Christman was 911 weeks old when it opened:

John Madden

All-time great Tom Brady, who used to play for the Buccaneers, is now a part-owner of the Raiders. Brady is now the NFL’s lead play-by-play commentator, a position formerly held by John Earl Madden, a Super Bowl-winning coach for the Raiders.

John Earl Madden, Skull and Bones society, Las Vegas Raiders, and Las Vegas Nevada all = 245

Ben Christman was born 2245 weeks after the Raiders franchise was founded.

The Skull and Bones society was established in 1832 :

Christman was a span of 18 years, 320 days (or exactly 985 weeks) of age when Madden died:

"Jesus" = 985 (Latin)

"Runnin Rebels" = 985 (Fibonacci)

The coach and broadcasting legend died a span of 263 days after his birthday:

Order of the Skull and Bones, Skull and Crossbones, and Masonic = 223

UNLV lineman Ben Christman was found dead during Brown Lunation # 1,263:

Ben died during his final day of being 263 months of age:

"Las Vegas Nevada" = 263 (Capitals Mixed)

Ritual human sacrifice has matching 211 gematria with Killing, as well as both Las Vegas, Nevada and Las Vegas.

Ritual human sacrifice = 211 and Killing = 211 Primes

Las Vegas Nevada = 211 Caps Added and and Las Vegas = 211 Fibonacci

Ben died on February 11th or 2/11, which is the date leaving 323 days on the calendar:

Yale University is currently 323 years old:

Las Vegas Nevada = 323 Reverse Caps and 1141 Trigonal

Madden and Christman died 1141 days apart:

The “Jesus” Code

The Raiders were officially established a span of 15720 days before Christman was born:

"Skull and Bones" = 572 (Latin)

Benjamin Christman?! Like Jesus Christ?

"Jesus Christ" = 1275 (Latin) and "Benjamin Christman" = 1275 (Trigonal)

John Madden died 515 days after Allegiant Stadium opened:

"Jesus" = 515 (Standard)

"Jesus Christ" = 43 (Reduction)

Feb. 11th was still 43 weeks after John Madden’s birthday:

"John Madden" = 43 (Reduction)

Christman was born on the 43rd day of the year, 43 years after the Raiders were founded:

Ben Christman was exactly 43 Lunar phases old for Madden’s Hall of Fame induction:

"Las Vegas Nevada" = 43 (Reduction)

"Football" = 43 (Reverse Reduction)

"Killing" = 43 (Reverse Reduction)

"Yale" = 43 (Ordinal)

If he was still alive, John Earl Madden would be 88 years old:

John Madden = 88, John Earl Madden = 888, Las Vegas Raiders = 88

"Benjamin Paul Christman" = 88 (Reduction)

The name Jesus sums to 888 in Greek Isopsephy:

The name Jesus has a lot more connections to this story. Click here to see some.

Allegiant Stadium and Jesus Christ both = 1339 Trigonal, Allegiant Stadium and Benjamin Christman both = 527 Primes, Allegiant Stadium and John Madden both = 1008

Using the Prime number cipher, Ben Christman sums to 389.

"Ben Christman" = 389 (Primes)

389 is the 77th Prime number

"Christ" = 77 (Ordinal)

Super Bowl XI was the only time that Madden led the Raiders to a championship as a head coach. It was played in the year ’77, and he had worn #77 during his NFL playing career:

"Secret society" = 77 (Reverse Reduction)

More Notes

Yale, home to the Skull and Crossbones = 223 (or Order 322) turned 322 years old in 2023:

Death and Homicide both = 118 Latin

Christman died a span of exactly 1 year, 18 weeks (or 491 days) after Yale turned 322:

491 is the 94th Prime number

Secret society = 940 Latin and 58 Reduction

Ben died on a date with Primary numerology of 58 numerology:(2) + (11) + (20) + (25) = 58

Ben was born a span of 58 days before Madden’s birthday, and also died 58 days before it (w/out end date):

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