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First Look at This Year’s Daytona 500

With the ridiculous success I had wagering on Formula One last year, the next logical step was to hone in on NASCAR this year. See my first post on the sport for this year that I made yesterday.

Today, I was going through my fancy new spreadsheet to see if I could identify any potential riddles for the Daytona 500 to be held on February 16th. I took a couple notes on several drivers, but it wasn’t until I made it down to Tyler Reddick that I began noticing a sensational number of intriguing alignments that I couldn’t help but ignore.

Reddick drives for Michael Jordan’s 23XI Racing. After I made that observation, it was brought to my attention that Jordan’s son Marcus was arrested today in Florida for DUI and cocaine possession exactly 6 weeks after his birthday:Michael Jordan's son arrested on cocaine possession, resisting arrest charges in Florida

After sporting a fancy Michael Jordan logo for The Clash, Reddick appears to be debuting a new livery for 2025 at Daytona, modeled around Monster Energy’s new hard beverage called The Beast with its appropriate 6.0% alcohol content. Could Marcus’s arrest for driving drunk be a clue for next weekend?

DISCLAIMER: I am 0-for-1 in my lifetime betting on a NASCAR winner. Tyler Reddick has never finished better than 27th at Daytona, and hopes to simply finish on the lead lap. However, he did win a race at Talladega last year, so it’s not impossible.

Michael Jordan / Moon Landing

The Daytona 500 will be held on 2/16

MJ was 12016 days old when Tyler Reddick was born:

2016 is the 63rd Triangular number
Jordan was born in ’63

2/16 has Primary numerology of 63:(2) + (16) + (20) + (25) = 63

The Moon has an equatorial diameter of 2160 miles:

Jordan is affectionately known by his initials, M.J. He went to North Carolina and became a minority owner of the Washington Wizards late in his career.

"MJ" = 23 (Ordinal)

"North Carolina" = 203 (Reverse) "Washington Wizards" = 230 (Ordinal)

The Daytona 500 will be run 20300 days after Apollo 11 landed and exactly 230 weeks after 23XI Racing was announced:

In the year ’23, actor Lance Reddick passed away.

The Daytona 500 falls a span of exactly 23 months after actor Lance Reddick died:

Armstrong was 14,230 days old when he allegedly set foot on the Lunar surface:

1423 is the 224th Prime number

Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant both = 224 Caps Mixed

During his time with the Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan wore numbers 23 and 45:

In NASCAR, Jordan’s 23XI racing fields both the 23 and 45 cars:

Jordan, who wore #23 and 45 for the Bulls, was 2345 days old for the first Moon landing:

Another Tyler, Tyler Gibbs of Joe Gibbs Racing, is also running the Monster livery for the race. The drivers were born 80 months apart.

Tyler and The Beast both = 80 and 26

"Neil Alden Armstrong" = 622 (Latin)

Jordan was exactly 6 years, 22 weeks (or 77 months, 5 days old when Neil Alden Armstrong is said to have walked on the Moon: =

Jordan = 775 Latin and 62 Ordinal

Jordan will be a span of exactly 62 years old for the race:

"Tyler Reddick" = 62 (Reduction)

"Five hundred" = 62 (Reduction)

Tyler Reddick will be 62 days after his birthday for the Pi Day Eclipse:

That Eclipse has Primary date numerology of 62 and 26:(3) + (14) + (20) + (25) = 62 and (3) + (14) + 2+0+2+5 = 26

Jordan will be 62 years, 26 days old for the Pi Day Eclipse:

Jordan, Daytona, Tyler, The Beast, and Pi Day all = 26

The green flag drops 26 days before the Lunar Eclipse on Pi Day:

Tyler was born on the first day of the 26th week after the 26th anniversary of the Moon landing:

The 26th Prime number is 101

"Tyler George Reddick" = 101 (Reduction)

Michael Jordan has Primary birth numerology of 101:(2) + (17) + (19) + (63) = 101

Last year, I made this video about the death of a North Carolina football player named Tylee Craft that was heavily-synced to Michael Jordan and a stage win by Tyler Reddick:

"Tylee Craft" = 720 (Latin)

"Tyler Reddick" = 720 (Latin)

Reddick was born a span of 9672 days after the Moon landing:

Tyler Reddick was 6072 days old and exactly 7 months, 2 weeks after his birthday when Armstrong died:

The Apollo Eleven landing was on July 20th, or 7/20:

Tyler Reddick and Apollo Eleven both = 134 and 190

Solar eclipse and Vesica piscis both = 134 and 190

Eclipse Coding

Michael was a span of 18088 days old when Neil Armstrong died:

"Three point one four" = 888 (Latin)

Three point one four (3.14) is the first three digits of Pi.

The 500 will be run in the first day of the 314th week since Tyler’s debut:

Feb. 16th will be 314 days (or a span of exactly 45 weeks) after the second Great American Eclipse:

This is the 67th running of the Daytona 500 and Sixty-seven = 45. Ty Reddick drives the #45 car, one of Jordan’s other numbers he wore during his NBA career.

"Ty" = 45 (Ordinal)

"Reddick" = 45 (Reverse Reduction)

Lunar and Eclipse both = 33

The race at Daytona International Speedway falls a span of 330 days before Reddick’s birthday:

Reddick’s last win was a span of exactly 3 months, 3 weeks before the season opener:

The 33rd Prime number is 137

"Marcus Jordan" = 137 (Ordinal)

Michael Jordan was 21037 days old when 23XI Racing was announced:

Total eclipse = 137, Eclipse = 137

Feb. 16th falls 137 weeks after Tyler’s first win and 137 days before that race’s anniversary:

The 137th Prime number is 773

The Daytona 500 will be held 77 weeks, 3 days before the next Total Solar Eclipse:

Kobe Bryant

Kobe, also known as the Black Mamba, died in Calabasas on a date with Primary numerology of 67:(1) + (26) + (20) + (20) = 67

Kobe, Black Mamba, and Calabasas all = 67

67 people were killed in last week’s air disaster in Washington, D.C.

The helicopter crash over the Potomac River happened exactly 67 Sidereal months (or 5 years, 4 days) after Kobe’s:

Kobe Bean Bryant and Reddick both = 54 and 135

NASCAR’s ‘Super Bowl’ falls a span of 113 days after Tyler’s last Cup Series victory:

The National Basketball Association, Michael Jordan, and Kobe Bryant all = 113

The Great American Race falls 1 year, 130 days after Yale turned 322:

"Skull and Bones" = 572 (Latin)

Feb. 16th will be exactly 572 months after the death of Wernher von Braun:

It will still be during Brown Lunation # 1,263. Order of the Skull and Bones = 263, Skull and Crossbones = 263.

Marcus James Jordan is 263 weeks older than Tyler Reddick:

"Marcus James Jordan" = 263 (Capitals Added) and "Marcus Jordan" = 56 (Single Reduction)

263 is the 56th Prime number and Tyler Reddick made his NASCAR debut on Jordan’s 56th birthday. 2025 is the 56th year after the Moon landing. NASCAR56.

Pi = 16 and Three point one four = 98

"Society of Jesus" = 1698 (Latin)

Kobe Bryant would be a span of 16980 days old when the flag drops:

Michael Jordan was born one day before Neil Armstrong turned a span of exactly 1698 weeks old:

Kobe used to play for the Lakers, who are currently coached by someone with a very similar name to Tyler Reddick’s – JJ Redick, who was hired on his 40th birthday last year.

The race runs 238 days after Redick was hired on his birthday:

Kobe Bryant was born on the 23rd of August, or 23/8:

"Michael Jordan" = 238 (Reverse)

Daytona will be Reddick’s 183rd race in the Cup Series.

"One hundred eighty three" = 238 (Ordinal)

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