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76 Dead in Massive Ski Resort Fire in Bolu Province, Turkey

Hotel fire at popular Turkish ski resort kills 76 and injures dozens The fire in Turkey’s Kartalkaya area started on the restaurant floor of the Grand Kartal Hotel, authorities said.

Just two weeks after 100-mph winds stoked the Los Angeles fires, a whopping 76 people are being reported as killed in this incident from earlier today.

Turkey and Fire both = 100

The Fire in Turkey at the Grand Kartal Hotel happened on the date leaving 344 days in the year:

Grand Kartal and Turkey both = 344

President Erdoğan

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan became the President of Turkiye on August 28th, 2014:

The Fire broke out during President Erdogan’s 3800th day in office:

He was born on the 308th day of the year:(2) + (26) + (19) + (54) = 101

Fire = 38 and 70

Erdogan is currently 70 years old:

He took the oath on a date with Primary numerology of 70, matching the gematria of Kartalkaya:(8) + (28) + (20) + (14) = 70

Kartalkaya = 70 and 101

Erdogan has Primary birth numerology of 101:(2) + (26) + (19) + (54) = 101

The country of Turkiye is currently 101 years old:

2023 Turkey Earthquake

In February of 2023, I made this video on a massive earthquake that rocked the Turkish-Syrian border that connected the region’s events to NBA legend Kobe Bryant:

This hotel fire happened a span of 1 year, 350 days after the quake:

"Kobe Bean Bryant" = 135 (Ordinal)

Kobe was born on the 23rd of August, or 23/8:

There were 238 guests in the building at the time of the fire:

Kobe, who was born in 1978, died a span of 1978 days after Erdogan became president:

In May of 2022, Erdogan approved an official name change of his nation from Turkey to Turkiye.

Turkiye changed its name 36005 days after gaining independence:

Bryant was 36 years, 5 days old when Erdogan was sworn in:

Kobe was also numerically-connected to the Los Angeles wildfires, which threatened Calabasas, where he died.

The 2023 Turkey Earthquake is connected to the 2025 Kartalkaya hotel fire.

Turkey Earthquake = 2025 and 225, Kartalkaya hotel fire = 225

The fire began at 3:27 a.m.:

Kobe Bryant’s father Joe died on July 15th last year. That’s the same date as the 2016 Turkish coup attempt happened 327 days after Kobe’s birthday, and he died 3 years, 27 weeks later:

Kobe Bryant was born 32 years, 70 days after Donald Trump:

3:27 a.m. is 207 minutes into the day. The 2023 Turkey Earthquake happened on 2/07, which is the date leaving 327 days in the year:

"Turkey Earthquake" = 207 (Ordinal)

Recep Tayyip Erdogan = 207 and 2070

"Kobe Bean Bryant" = 207 (English Qaballa)

Skull and Bones

His presidency began 33176 days after the Republic of Turkiye was established:

"Skull and Bones" = 76 (Reverse Reduction)

Turkiye was a span of 36976 days old, and it was 2 months, 23 days after Republic Day:

"Skull and Crossbones" = 223 (Ordinal)

Kobe was born a span of 20023 days after Turkey’s independence:

Kobe’s crash was a span of 22 weeks, 3 days after his birthday:

In 2023, the home of Order 322 turned 322 years old:

The fire occurred a span of 1 year, 105 days after Yale turned 322:

"Skull and Crossbones" = 1105 (Standard), Skull and Bones society = 115, and Masonic = 115

Killing = 115 Reverse and 115 Latin

Killing also sums to 155.

"Killing" = 155 (Standard)

The 155th Prime number is 907

"Kartalkaya hotel fire" = 907 (Latin)

Skull and Crossbones, Brotherhood of Death, and Death all = 97

The fire was a span of 471 days after Yale’s big anniversary:

Six six six and Revelation both = 471 Satanic


President Erdogan was 36 days before his birthday:

The 36th Triangular number is 666

Joe “Jellybean” Bryant would have been exactly 3,666 weeks old:

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sums to 99 and 90, which is an upside-down 666.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Bolu Province Turkey both = 90 and 99

6 × 6 × 6 = 216
The failed Turkish coup happened in 2016

666 is revealed as the number of the Beast in the book of Revelation, which is an Apocalyptic tale of the Second coming of Jesus.

Revelation, Apocalyptic, Second coming, and Jesus all = 121

The expansion fell 1/21 was 10 years, 21 weeks into Erdogan’s term and 102 weeks, 1 day after the earthquake:

Kobe ‘s helicopter crash occurred during Brown Lunation # 1201:

It’s been 121 weeks since Kobe was killed in a helicopter crash:

The final verse of Revelation is 22:21
is the 331st Prime number

The President of Turkiye was a span of 331 days after his birthday:

Patmos, Second coming, and God's son all = 331 Latin

Forty-four (44)

The Book of Revelation is made up of 404 verses:

The fire at a Ski resort was at the Grand Kartal Hotel, which is located 40°40′ north of the equator:

Grand, Grand Kartal, and Ski resort all = 44

"Turkiye" = 44 (Reverse Reduction)

Turkey became Turkiye exactly 404 weeks after Erdogan took office, and the hotel fire was a span of 972 days later:

"Forty four" = 972 (Latin)

The fire was 444 weeks, 4 days after the Turkish coup attempt:

Skull and Crossbones, Skull and Crossbones Three twenty two, and Skull and Bones Three hundred twenty two all = 444

Erdogan was president for 440 weeks, 4 days before the 2023 quake:

Earthquake = 44 and 232 Primes

Kobe Bryant was 44 years (or exactly 2320 weeks old) for the Earthquake in Turkiye:

The number Forty-four is important to Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

 = 99 and 864, Recep Tayyip Erdogan = 99, Kartalkaya hotel fire = 864

"Bolu Province Turkey" = 1512 (Sumerian) and "Forty four" = 1512 (Standard)

Trump is now President # 45 and 47.

Yale turned 322 years old 45 years, 47 days after the Hall of Famer was born:

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