7.3 Earthquake Rocks Port Vila in Island Nation of Vanuatu
This earthquake had a magnitude of 7.3
The date of the disaster had Primary numerology of 73:
Vanuatu celebrates its independence each year on July 30th, or 7/30:
This Quake happened in Vanuatu yesterday, which also had Reduced numerology of 19:
“James Cook”
Vanuatu was discovered by the western world in 1774 when British explorer James Cook landed there during his second voyage across the ocean:
The name James Cook is relevant these days in professional sports, as there is currently an NFL running back named James Cook who was drafted in 2022. I mentioned him in this post back in September. That post also mentions that weekend’s F1 Grand Prix, which ended up being won by a man from Australia – which James Cook landed on during his first great voyage.
Not only is James Cook’s brother Dalvin also a running back in the NFL, but the two men use the others’ first name as their middle name.
Vanuatu’s Independence Day is the date leaving 154 days on the calendar:
The tragedy in Vanuatu unfolded on the first day of Saturnalia.
Ritual sacrifice has matching 154 gematria with NFL running backs James Dalvin Cook and his brother Dalvin James Cook.
Also note the 1506. This is important because the earthquake occurred on the birthday of Pope Francis, who is from Argentina.
James Cook landed in Vanuatu in 1774
Dalvin’s brother James Cook, who shares a name with the explorer, plays for the Buffalo Bills, which has strong gematric overlap with the Republic of Vanuatu.
Yale Skull and Bones
66 is an important number to the Skull and Bones society:
The organization was formed in 1832:
The Buffalo Bills share that special 426 gematria with Yale.
The Bills’ headquarters is in Buffalo, New York. Yale is the headquarters of the Skull and Bones society.
223 / 322
In their last game this past weekend, the Bills got their 484th victory of all-time:
They put up a whopping 48 points:
The 48th Prime number is 223
322 is the number that appears on the society’s emblem:

Also 2 months, 23 days after his birthday
The 223rd Prime number is 1409. Skull and Bones sums to 149 in Ordinal.

Pope Francis’s birthplace
Yale, home to The Brotherhood of Death, was founded on the 282nd day of the year:
Cook was selected in the 2nd round at #63
More Notes
Both 156 and 66 are mentioned above. These are numbers important to the Beast code.
Vanuatu gained its independence in 1980.
The number of the Beast is 666.