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Brad Pitt to Star in Formula One Film ‘F1’ in 2025

The film F1 starring A-List actor Brad Pitt hits theaters in America on the 178th day of next year:

"Brad Pitt" = 178 (Capitals Mixed) and "Brad Pitt" = 178 (Reverse Caps Added)

Ayrton Senna died at a span of exactly 1780 weeks of age:

"The Moon" = 178 (Capitals Mixed) and "Moon" = 178 (Primes)

The movie will first premiere overseas two days earlier on the 176th day of the year:

"Senna" = 176 (Latin)

Pitt will be 176 days before his birthday on that date:

Three Two One (321)

While not the case in Formula One, racing often begins with a countdown…321….

Ayrton was born on 3/21:

Brad Pitt will be exactly 3210 weeks old for the film’s release:

The driver playing Brad Pitt’s teammate in F1 is Damson Idris.

"Damson Alade Bo Idris" = 321 (Reverse)

321 was a number of focus in my post on an aircraft incident synced to Senna in May of 2024.

The turbulence incident on Flight SQ321 occurred 30 years, 21 days after Senna was killed:

He died during the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix, which was won by Michael Schumacher.

Senna and Schumacher were born 3210 days apart:

Only one F1 driver has died from a crash since then – Jules Bianchi.

Jules Bianchi was exactly 321 Lunations old when he was taken off life support:

Nine-Eleven / Moon Landing

Manhattan also sums to 321.

"Manhattan" = 321 (Latin)

Manhattan Island provided the most chaotic scenes of the 9/11 attacks in 2001. See my recent post on the new Senna miniseries, which shows the remarkable 9/11 connections to its star Gabriel Leone to the man he portrays, Ayrton Senna.

Senna died 9 months, 11 days after the anniversary of the Moon landing:

The World Trade Center opened in 1973 and was destroyed during Brown Lunation # 973:

"Nine hundred seventy three" = 1973 (Latin)

Senna’s Williams crashed a span of 973 days after Idris was born:

Brad Pitt, who was born a span of 1969 days after the founding of NASA, was exactly 1969 weeks old for the 9/11 attacks:

1969 was the year of the first manned Moon landing:

Brad Pitt and The Moon both = 90 and 36

Brad Pitt was born during Brown Lunation # 507:

Six sixty six and Triple sixes both = 57

Six six six (666) / Forty-four (44)

1969 is very similar to the digits in 666, which is a very important number to the Moon, but also to NASA and its Fake Moon landing on the Apollo mission.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666 Reverse, Fake Moon landing = 666 Satanic, Apollo = 666 Fibonacci

Six hundred sixty six = 275 and 211

William Bradley Pitt = 211, 275, and 113

NASA’s establishment date had Primary numerology of 113:(7) + (29) + (19) + (58) = 113

113 is the ultimate number of deception.

The Apollo 11 landing occurred during Brown Lunation # 576:

In Standard, Brad Pitt = 576 and William Bradley Pitt = 1930

All three astronauts aboard the Apollo 11 mission were born in 1930:

Senna was born 19 years, 3 weeks, 0 days after NASA was formed:

Brad Pitt was a span of 11093 days old for Senna’s deadly accident:

193 is the 44th Prime number

Space = 44 and The Moon landing = 404

NASA was founded during Brown Lunation # 440:

The World Trade Center was inaugurated on April 4th, or 4/4:

The September 11th attacks happened 44 days into NASA’s 44th year:

Senna was born 19 years, 3 weeks, 0 days after NASA was formed:

F1 comes out a span of 444 days after the second Great American Eclipse:

Eclipse Code

In the movie, Brad Pitt portrays a driver named Sonny Hayes, which is a homophone with Sunny Haze.

The wide release of Fight Club fell a span of 1994 days after Senna died in 1994:

"Total solar eclipse" = 994 (Standard)

The ultimate Eclipse number is 1331

That same release date was 1 year, 331 days before the 9/11 attacks:

321 is 107 (28th Prime) × 3

Senna died in Emilia-Romagna, Italy.

Emilia Romagna = 283 Latin and Emilia Romagna Italy = 1283 Standard

In Latin, Six hundred sixty six = 2038, Six hundred and sixty six = 2083, and The Moon = 283

Brad Pitt will be 22883 days old for the 2026 Eclipse and 23238 days old for the 2027 Eclipse:

"Total solar eclipse" = 283 (Reverse Caps Added)

F1’s international release falls 2 years, 38 days before the 2027 Total Eclipse:

Pitt’s new film comes out 13 months, 18 days before the next Total Solar Eclipse:

More Notes

Brad Pitt and Damson Idris were born 10120 days apart:

The new Senna miniseries debuted 112 days before Senna’s birthday:

"Emilia Romagna Italy" = 112 (Reverse Reduction)

The Brazilian superstar was exactly 112 months (or 487 weeks) old for the Apollo 11 landing:

487 is the 93rd Prime number

Brad Pitt has birth numerology of both 112 and 93:(12) + (18) + (19) + (63) = 112 and (12) + (18) + (63) = 93

"Ayrton" = 93 (Ordinal)

Ayrton Senna was born during Brown Lunation # 460:

The three-time champion died exactly 406 Sidereal months after Brad Pitt was born:

It was also a span of 40 weeks, 6 days after July 20th:

The word Moon sums to 218 in Hebrew Gematria:

The 218th Prime number is 1361

Ayrton Senna died a span of 13061 days after the founding of NASA:

Moon landing and Emilia Romagna both = 118 Ordinal and 350 Primes, Ayrton Senna da Silva = 350 Reverse Caps

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