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2024 Formula One Season Comes to an End in Abu Dhabi

This is my first of two posts on this weekend’s final F1 Grand Prix of the 2024 season:

I am personally not making a pick for this race, given the wealth of riddles and lack of good odds. Leclerc probably has the most robust, intriguing riddle, but he has a 10-place grid penalty that destroys his chances barring great fortune in the Grand Prix.

Max Verstappen

Max Verstappen will be 69 days after his birthday:

"Max Verstappen" = 69 (Reverse Reduction)

"Abu Dhabi UAE" = 69 (Reverse Reduction)

He’s looking for his 64th career win on a date with Primary numerology of 64:(12) + (8) + (20) + (24) = 64

The 64th Prime number is 311. March eleventh, or 3/11 is the birthday of the president of the United Arab Emirates, Mohamed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan.

"March eleventh" = 64 (Reverse Reduction)

MBZ became UAE’s Dictator President 64 days after his birthday:

"Abu Dhabi" = 94 (Capitals Mixed)

The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix will be a span of 94 days before his birthday and 940 days after he took office:

When Max wins, he likes to say the drive was “Simply Lovely”. The planet of Love is Venus.

Max Verstappen will be a total of 9931 days old:

9931 is the 1225th Prime number

1225 is the total sum of the Magic Square of Planet Venus:

Max will be 296 days before his birthday:

Planet Venus = 296 and 1261

This will be the second and final Grand Prix under Brown Lunation # 1261:

"Jules Lucien Andre Bianchi" = 1261 (Fibonacci)

See below

Charles Leclerc

This year’s Abu Dhabi Grand Prix will be held on the 343rd day of a leap year:

"Charles Leclerc" = 343 (Latin)

Charles Leclerc drives for Ferrari, who is looking to make a late-season push to win the Constructor’s Championship for the first time since 2008. Will the Scuderia pull off the miracle comeback in Abu Dhabi, UAE to complete Formula One’s 75th season of racing?

"Ferrari" = 75 (Ordinal)

"Abu Dhabi UAE" = 75 (Ordinal)

Leclerc is going for his 9th career win in his #16 car at 9916 days of age:

Charles Leclerc drives the #16 car:

This is the 16th Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

If Leclerc manages to win, it could help Ferrari come back to win their first Constructor’s Championship in 16 years.

Sunday will be 16 years, 1 months, 6 days after Ferrari won their last Constructor’s Title:

"Charles Leclerc" = 61 (Reduction)

The race will be held a span of 1 year, 61 days (or 61 weeks) after Yale turned 322:

"Skull and crossbones" = 61 (Reduction)

The new Brown Lunation number is 1261
Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahyan was born in the year ’61
He became President at age 61

"Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan" = 1600 (Latin)

It will be 2450 days (or 350 weeks) since his Formula One debut in 2018:

The 35th Prime number is 149

In Ordinal, Skull and Bones society = 245 and Skull and Bones = 149

"Ferrari" = 149 (Capitals Mixed)

The race runs on December 8th, or 12/8

"Brotherhood" = 128 (Ordinal)

The date 12/8 falls a span of 128 days after Jules’ birthday:

Ferrari / 666

Ferrari will be welcoming Lewis Hamilton next year to replace Carlos Sainz as Leclerc’s new teammate. See my post from after that announcement, which revealed how significant the number 666 was to the riddle.

The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix will be 275 weeks after Leclerc’s maiden victory, and a span of 313 days before his next birthday:

Six hundred sixty six = 275, Six hundred threescore and six = 313

Charles Leclerc was born 666 weeks (or 4,666 days) after Lewis Hamilton:

Their birthdays are also separated by 283 days:

MBZ will be 23,283 days old:

"Six hundred and sixty six" = 2083 (Latin)

Lewis Hamilton will be a span of exactly 2083 weeks old:

2083 is the 314th Prime number

Carlos Sainz will be exactly 30 years, 14 weeks old for the race:

"Abu Dhabi Grand Prix" = 314 (Capitals Mixed) and "Yas Marina Circuit" = 3104 (Squares)

"Attack on Pearl Harbor" = 314 (Reverse)

Ferrari is looking for their 248th win

Yas Marina Circuit = 248 Reverse and 1056 Latin

Leclerc’s Ferrari teammate will be 11056 days old:

Six six six = 156  Triple sixes = 156

The Abu Dhabi GP will be 156 weeks since Max won his first championship at the same track:

The 156th Prime number is 911
156 is the 119th Composite number

Jules Bianchi

According to Charles Leclerc, he would have never been able to drive for Ferrari had it not been for the recommendation offered by his godfather, Jules Bianchi, who was the last driver to perish as the result of a crash in an F1 car.

Jules Bianchi would be 12,911 days old for the Abu Dhabi GP:

Bianchi had Primary birth numerology of 119:(8) + (3) + (19) + (89) = 119

He passed away on 7/17
7×17 = 119

Jules died 119 days after the last Total Eclipse:

The 119th Prime number is 653

Scuderia Ferrari = 653, 83, and 803

Bianchi was born on August 3rd, or 8/3:

Murder = 83 Reverse and 399 Latin

Carlos Sainz will be 30 years, 99 days old, while George Russell turns 1,399 weeks old:

Sainz is Leclerc’s current teammate, while Russell’s is Hamilton’s.

Bianchi died following injuries he sustained at the Japanese Grand Prix.

The race in Abu Dhabi happens just one day after Pearl Harbor Day, when there’s a ridiculous 666 alignment with the American presidency.

Mathematics of the circle and Mathematical perfection both = 666 Latin

666 is at the 2440th digit of Pi

"Satanic" = 244 (Latin)

It will be 244 days after the second Great American Eclipse:

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