Freddie Freeman Hits First Walk-off Grand Slam in World Series History
The 2024 World Series quickly came alive, as Game 1 ended with the first-ever walk-off grand slam in World Series history. It came off the bat of Freddie Freeman.
The drama unfolded on a date with Primary numerology of 79:
See my recent post explaining how the numbers 79 and 34 were coded into the death of Fernando Valenzuela. The beloved Dodgers pitcher was honored prior to the start of the game, and his number was displayed behind the pitching mound for fans to see during the entire broadcast:
Kirk Gibson
This event was essentially a recreation of Game 1 of the 1988 World Series – the last time the Dodgers have won the championship in a full 162-game season.
The ball left Freddie’s bat at 8:37 p.m. That’s the same exact time that was on the clock when Kirk Gibson hit his legendary walk-off home run:
Gibson entered the game as a pinch hitter, having suffered from a lower leg injury. Freddie Freeman had been battling a lower leg injury after rolling his ankle a couple of weeks ago.
Freeman’s blast came off of pitcher Nestor Cortes, who was born on 12/10:
Back to the Future
Just as the game was getting underway, an episode of the Joe Rogan Experience featuring Donald Trump was published on to the internet. The episode number was JRE # 2219.
219 was a significant number in 1985‘s Back to the Future, where Doc and Marty travel ahead to 2015, where they learn that the Cubs have won the World Series. See Kodi’s live stream for more on this riddle.
Freddie Freeman was born on 9/12, a date with Primary numerology of 129:
Skull & Bones
The Skull and Bones society was founded in the year 1832:
Their emblem features the number 322
The 171st Prime number is 1019
Yale was founded in 1701 on 10/9:
Kirk Gibson has Primary birth numerology of 109:
Fernando had Reduced birth numerology of 19:
179 is the 41st Prime number
Gibson made his Major League debut 61 days after Fernando signed with the Dodgers. Skull and crossbones = 61.
Number of the Beast
Gibson’s homer was in ’88
Fernando Valenzuela debuted in 1980
Six six six (666)
Adding all four base methods for Brotherhood of Death gives you a 666, matching the Standard value of Frederick Charles Freeman.
Six hundred sixty-six sums to 275.
The number 33 is shorthand for 666.

…and 33 days before its first anniversary