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America’s Phallus – The Washington Monument

George Washington is called the Father of the United States. This associates him with the phallic symbolism expressed in the Osiris myth, the backbone of Egyptian mythology.

"George Washington" = 930 (Fibonacci)

Osiris myth = 930, Egyptian mythology = 93

George Washington, whose Obelisk is a tribute to Osiris, had Primary birth numerology of 73:"Osiris" = 73 (Reverse)

"Obelisk" = 73 (Ordinal)

"Osiris" = 73 (Reverse)

"Egypt" = 73 (Ordinal)

This myth is also the base of the story of Hiram Abiff, whose murder must be played out by any Mason looking to ascend the organization’s ranks.

Hiram Abiff and Mason both = 73

This post will explore the undeniable syncs with Yale University, whose mascot is a Bulldog.

"Bulldog" = 73 (Ordinal)

The Washington Monument opened exactly 187 years after the founding of Yale University:

George Washington, Washington D.C., Brotherhood of Death, Society of Jesus, and Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry all = 187

Skull and Bones

Washington and Skull & Bones both = 130, 140, and 49

The phallic nature of the Washington Monument goes unspoken. The phallus is the centerpiece of the Osiris myth, which comes from Egypt.

In Latin, both Skull and Bones and Egypt = 752

The Washington Monument opened in October of 1888

The first day of October 1888 was 57200 days after Washington was born:

Ancient Egyptian mythology has Latin gematria of 1885.

"Ancient Egyptian mythology" = 1885 (Latin)

The Washington Monument was completed in the year 1885:

"Skull and Crossbones" = 885 (Latin)

Skull and Crossbones founder William Huntington Russell died three months later, also in 1885:

Russell passed away on the 139th day of the year:

Ancient Egypt and Freemasonry both = 139 Ordinal

Yale University was founded on 10/09, the same date the Washington Monument opened:

The Osiris myth teaches us that Set cut his brother into Fourteen different pieces. Prior to being upgraded to a Hurricane, Milton was referred to as Tropical Depression Fourteen.

“Washington Monument”

William Huntington Russell died a span of 88 days after the Washington Monument was completed:

The Washington Monument was opened to the public in 1888:

George Washington, Washington Monument, and First president all = 88

An Annular Eclipse happened exactly 88 weeks after it opened:

"Egypt" = 88 (Reverse Caps Added)

The Monument opened 88 years, 300 days after Washington’s death:

It was on the date leaving 83 days in the year:

Washington Monument, Society of Jesus, Yale University, and Brotherhood of Death all = 83

Yale University, home to the Brotherhood of Death, was founded on the date leaving 83 days in the year:

And now we learn that Hurricane Milton is headed for Florida on the date leaving 83 days in the year:"Milton" = 83 (Ordinal)

"Milton" = 83 (Ordinal)

Jesuit Order / Tower Card

Milton is forecast to make landfall exactly 136 years after the Washington Monument opened:

The Washington Monument honors the first President of the United States.

"President of the United States" = 1306 (Latin)

The Washington Monument opened 136 days before the birthday of its namesake:

"The Jesuits" = 136 (Ordinal)

Recall how The Jesuits were founded three days before a Solar Eclipse from Saros # 136, which began on 13/6/1360 (western hemisphere).

"Tower Card" = 136 (Reverse)

136 is the 16th Triangular number

XVI = 1009 Latin and Standard

Yale University was founded on 10/09, the same date the Washington Monument opened:

171 days between Washington’s and Russell’s birthdays

The Washington Monument opened exactly 177 weeks after William Huntington Russell died:

Eclipse of the Sun and The Jesuit Order both = 177 Ordinal

American phallus has matching 153 gematria with Jesuit Order.

"American phallus" = 153 (Ordinal)

"Jesuit Order" = 153 (Reverse)

The Monument was topped off a span of exactly 153 years after Washington was born:

The 153rd Prime number is 883

The Monument opened 88 years, 300 days after Washington’s death:

Tower Card has matching 1223 gematria with Jesuit Order.

In Latin, Tower Card and Jesuit Order both = 1223

Washington died 1223 weeks after the Declaration of Independence:

The Monument opened 2 months, 23 days before the next Total Eclipse:

His death fell 2203 months after Yale’s founding and a span of 223 days after its anniversary:

"Two twenty two" = 223 (Ordinal)

Two Twenty-Two / Thirty-three (222 / 33)

"George Washington" = 1399 (Latin)

1399 is the 222nd Prime number

George Washington was born on February 22nd, or 2/22:

"Egyptian mythology" = 222 (Reverse)

"Skull Bones" = 2022 (Squares)

The Washington Monument opened 2 years, 2 months, 2 days before the next Hybrid Eclipse:

William Russell died 222 days after Yale’s anniversary:

Russell’s death was 22 weeks, 2 days (or 156 days) after the anniversary of Washington’s:

"Thirty three" = 156 (Ordinal)

The opening was held exactly 33 weeks after Washington’s 156th birthday:

G = 33 (Capitals Added), "Masonry" = 33 (Reduction)

The Monument opened exactly 3 years, 33 weeks after it was finished:

More Notes

The day after Russell’s passing was a span of exactly 183 years, 32 weeks after Yale was founded:

This reminds us of the digits in the year 1832, when the Skull and Bones society was created:

The first day of 1832 was 32 years, 18 days after Washington died:

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