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Brett Favre Announces Parkinson’s Diagnosis

Brett Favre reveals Parkinson's diagnosis at congressional hearing

This is my first of four posts on this story:

For 15 years, Brett Favre was the starting quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. This post will examine how this news is a riddle for the death of his father Irvin in 2003.

"Irvin" = 838 (Latin). In Satanic, Nashville Tennessee, Singapore Singapore, and Ad majorem dei gloriam all = 838

Over the weekend, the Packers got their 838th win in franchise history in Nashville, Tennessee, on the same date F1 went racing in Singapore, Singapore:

James Parkinson

"Brett Lorenzo Favre" = 1824 (Latin)

Parkinson’s disease was named after a surgeon named James Parkinson, who died in the year 1824 on the date December 21st:

On December 21st of 2003, Brett Favre’s father suddenly passed away after suffering a medical emergency while driving:

Irvin Favre died exactly 179 years after James Parkinson:

"Brett Favre" = 1079 (Latin)

"Lunation Number" = 179 (Ordinal)

Dr. James Parkinson was born during Brown Lunation # -2074:

Brett made his diagnosis public at a span of 20074 days of age:

"Iesus Hominum Salvator" = 274 (Ordinal)

Favre officially retired from football at 41 years, 100 days of age:

Parkinson was born on April 11th, written 4/11 or 11/4:

Favre’s diagnosis was revealed a span of 10104 days after winning the Super Bowl:

It’s been 249 months since Irvin Favre died:

"Packers" = 249 (Latin)

The former Green Bay Packers quarterback spoke to Congress on 24/9, a date with Primary numerology of 77 and 41:(9) + (24) + (20) + (24) = 77 and (9) + (24) + 2+0+2+4 = 41

Green Bay = 77 and 41

He’s being questioned about $77 dollars that allegedly went missing. See my next post to learn how this is all connected to the 2013 canonization of Jesuit founder Peter Faber.

Peter Faber was canonized on Pope Francis’s 77th birthday:

"Parkinsons Diagnosis" = 770 (Latin)

Muhammad Ali

77 is 11×7

Brett officially retired on 1/17 of 2011
Parkinson’s sufferer Muhammad Ali was born on 1/17

Muhammad Ali was born 1170 weeks after the Packers were founded:

Irvin Favre would have been 29,117 days old for his son’s announcement:

Quarterback and Brett Favre have matching Ordinal/Reduction gematria with Parkinson.

Quarterback, Brett Favre, and Parkinson all = 117 and 45

Irvin Favre was born in ’45

Jaylen Marselles Brown announced his new shoes on the same date.

"Jaylen Marselles Brown" = 117 (Reverse Reduction)

Muhammad Ali became World Heavyweight Champion in 1964.

Muhammad Ali passed away 1964 days after Favre retired:

Favre retired on Muhammad Ali’s 69th birthday. Favre was born in ’69, while Michael J. Fox was born on 6/9.

Brett Favre was born 100 months, 1 day after Michael J. Fox:

Irvin Favre died during Brown Lunation # 1001:

Number of the Beast / The Moon

"Parkinsons disease" = 3321 (Reverse Standard)

The Magic Square of the Moon has a total sum of 3321:

The ultimate number of the Moon is 666

The Moon = 90 and 99

Before being renamed, the disease was known as Paralysis agitans.

Paralysis agitans and Brett Favre both = 999

Brett Favre made his announcement 4,999 days after retiring:

Irvin Favre was born exactly 9900 weeks after James Parkinson:

James Parkinson = 990 Sumerian, Packers = 99 Caps Added

Brett was born in Gulfport523, the 99th Prime number.

Sep. 24th was 28 weeks, 3 days before the birthday of James Parkinson:

"Six hundred and sixty six" = 2083 (Latin) and "The Moon" = 283 (Latin)

The Gunslinger was born on the 283rd day of the year:

Pope Francis was 32058 days (or a span of 87 years, 283 days) of age:

Number of the Beast = 87 and 258

Favre first talked about his Parkinson’s diagnosis during Brown Lunation # 1,258:

Number of the Beast = 1044, Mark of the Beast = 144 and 1404

Pierre Lefevre = 144 Ordinal and Peter Faber = 1044 Reverse Sumerian

The 144th Prime number is 827. Irvin Favre died 827 weeks before Faber was canonized and 8270 days before the 2026 Eclipse.

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