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My Video on the Passing of James Earl Jones @ 93

On September 5th, I made this video on Rumble about the Apalachee High School shooting.

About 40 minutes in to that Live Stream, I start talking about the story’s connections to James Earl Jones. As the decode goes on, I listed a bevy of syncs with the number 99 as it pertained to Jones. You can also find this in the Blog post I made that same day.

I strongly considered telling people to look for the death of James Earl Jones, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. There was no news indicating he was in poor health and quite frankly, it just feels strange making such predictions.

I guess I need to trust my gut a bit more going forward, because yesterday, wel earned that James Earl Jones died on September 9th – or 9/9.

No Blog post for this, but here’s a link to my live stream where I explain the Moony numerology of what transpired. Click here to see the video on YouTube.

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