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Boxing Legend Roy Jones Jr. Announces Suicide of Son DeAndre

Boxer Roy Jones Jr. Announces Son DeAndre's Death by Suicide

Make no mistake about it – this death is a riddle connected to the big boxing match between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson.

Moon Landing

In my first post on the Paul-Tyson fight, I pointed out how it was originally scheduled on the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing55 with Armstrong55. Boxing match55 / 550.

Former boxing world champion Roy Jones Jr. is currently 55 years old. This is because he was born in 1969 – the same year as that Moon landing in 1969, which would be the first of 6.

Neil Armstrong and DeAndre Jones both = 66

DeAndre died when Roy was 6 days into his 666th month:

National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666 Reverse, Fake Moon landing = 666 Satanic, Apollo = 666 Fibonacci

The first Apollo landing on the Moon was on the 201st day of the year:

Six sixty six, Neil Alden Armstrong, and Apollo all = 201

Roy Jones Jr. was born a span of 201 days after Mike Tyson’s birthday and 201 days before Neil Armstrong’s:

Jake Paul was born a span of 201 days before Neil’s birthday:

DeAndre Jones, Moon, and Son all = 210

The Paul-Tyson fight has since been moved to November 15th. Check out my post on that if you missed it.

“Sacrifice” Code

My last post talks about an ongoing riddle with Chris Benoit, whose double-murder suicide began on 6/22. Tonight’s episode of Raw was number 1,622.

Neil Armstrong‘s ful name sums to 622 in Latin, while Roy Jones Jr.‘s equals 226 in Reverse.

"Neil Alden Armstrong" = 622 (Latin)

"Roy Levesta Jones Jr" = 226 (Reverse)

His son passed away on June 22nd, written 6/22 or 22/6:

Sacrifice = 206 and 226

It was 20 weeks, 6 days before the Paul-Tyson fight:

"Santa Rosa County" = 206 (Ordinal)

Neil Armstrong, Apollo Eleven, and Iron Mike all = 186

Roy Jones Jr. was born 186 days before Neil Armstrong stepped off of Apollo Eleven:

The 186th Prime number is 1109
116 flipped upside-down is 911
The inverse of 911 is 119

Roy Jones Jr. was born on 1/16:

Jake Paul was a span of 10019 days old when DeAndre died:

"Suicide" = 119 (Reverse)

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 911 (Satanic), "Human sacrifice" = 156 (Capitals Added), "Ritual sacrifice" = 1506 (Reverse Sumerian), "Prince Rogers Nelson" = 1560 (Reverse Sumerian), "Super Bowl Fifty seven" = 1506 (Reverse Sumerian)

911 is the 156th Prime number

Some sources are reporting that DeAndre would have turned Thirty-three years old next month.

Thirty three = 156 and 895, Ritual sacrifice = 1506, Human sacrifice = 156 Caps Added, Ritual human sacrifice = 895

Six six six and Triple sixes both = 156 Ordinal

Thirty three = 66 and 60

June 22nd was a span of 303 days after August 25th, the date Armstrong died:

DeAndre and Son = 33, Roy Levesta Jones Jr = 330 Reverse Caps

Roy Jones Jr. was born 14044 days after Neil Armstrong:

"Thirty three" = 1444 (Trigonal)


Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and Freemason both = 307

The news broke exactly 307 years after modern Freemasonry’s origin:

In Caps Mixed, Ritual sacrifice = 307 and Neil Armstrong = 370

307 is the 63rd Prime number

Jones and Eleven both = 63 Ordinal

The fight will be a span of 63 days before Roy Jones Jr.’s birthday and 63 days before Jake’s (no end date):

"Masonry" = 630 (Sumerian)

DeAndre died a span of 158 days after his father’s birthday and 158 days after Jake’s (no end date):

NASA was founded in 1958

Freemasonry = 67 and 158

67 is the 19th Prime number

Today’s news fell on the date leaving 190 days in the year:

"Apollo Eleven" = 190 (Reverse)

It’s been 1090 days since Bill Cosby was released from prison, and a span of 19 days before his next birthday:

Jake Paul

Back to the number 67.

Human sacrifice and Total solar eclipse both = 67 Reduction

Jones Jr. turns a span of 670 months old on the date of the fight:

Blood sacrifice = 67 and 121

Roy Jones and Roy Jones Jr. both = 121

Jake Paul was a span of 10021 days old when Roy Jones Jr. announced the Death of his son:

"Death" = 228 (Sumerian)

Jake Joseph Paul was born 10,228 days after Roy Jones Jr.:

Jake Joseph Paul = 228 Caps Added and Reverse

"Florida Highway Patrol" = 228 (Ordinal)

Jake Joseph Paul has matching 75 gematria with Neil Armstrong and Death.

Jake Joseph Paul, Neil Armstrong, and Death all = 75

DeAndre removed himself 75 days after the last Total Solar Eclipse and 2 years, 51 days before the next:

"Apollo" = 251 (Standard)

"Ritual sacrifice" = 251 (Reverse)

DeAndre Jones and Ritual sacrifice both = 924

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson was 6 months, 17 days after his birthday when Roy Jones Jr. was born:

Neil Armstrong died exactly 617 months after Mike Tyson was born, and DeAndre Jones died exactly 617 weeks later:

617 is the 113th Prime number

NASA was founded on a date with Primary numerology of 113, which is the primary number of deception:(7) + (29) + (19) + (58) = 113

Mike Tyson was born 13113 days after Neil Armstrong:

Tyson will square off with Jake Paul in Dallas.

"Dallas" = 113 (Reverse)

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