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Jose Siri Robs Home Run, Gets Game-Winning Hit

In yesterday’s Super Stream, I talked about Brewers outfielder Blake Perkins, who accomplished an almost unheard-of feat by robbing a home run and hitting a home run in the same inning – all after he was interviewed before the game about whether he enjoys robbing or hitting home runs more.

In the first half of that video, I talked about some synchronicity with the name Alexander. Charles Leclerc, whose girlfriend’s name is Alexandra, became the first Monagasque winner of the Monaco GP since Louis Alexandre Chiron in a riddle connected to Alexander of Jerusalem.

I didn’t even point out that Blake Perkins’ middle name just happens to be Alexander:

Well on the very same night as Perkins’ standout achievement, there was a similar situation brewing down in Florida. In the top of the 9th inning of a tie game, Rays outfielder Jose Siri robbed a home run as he collided into teammate Randy Arozarena:

In the bottom of the 9th, Siri came to the plate with a runner on third. While he wasn’t able to hit a home run, it didn’t really matter as his base hit was enough to win the game for Tampa Bay:

Jose Siri’s middle name is also Alexander:

The big number I mentioned with Blake Perkins was 123.

"Blake Perkins" = 123 (Ordinal)

Blake Perkins was 10,123 days old for the game:

"Perkins" = 123 (Reverse Caps Added)

The last name Siri reminds me of Apple’s Siri, whose initial release was just one day before the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs.

Apple’s Siri was released 10 years, 23 days after 9/11:

Apple’s Siri / Steve Jobs

As I explained, this was all connected to The Tower riddle and September 11th.

Blake Perkins was born during Brown Lunation # 911:

Perkins’ debut was exactly 911 Sidereal months after Steve Jobs was born:

"Blake Perkins Jose Siri" = 119 (Single Reduction)

Jose Siri is 1 years, 1 months, 19 days older than Blake Perkins:

Jose Siri debuted a span of exactly 119 months after Apple’s Siri launched:

Siri’s first Big League game was played on the date leaving 119 days in the year:

It was 10 months, 19 days before his next birthday:

It was also 19 years, 11 months after the 9/11 attacks:

Siri made his Major League debut during Brown Lunation # 1220:

"September eleventh" = 1220 (Standard)

Jose’s big game fell 999 days after his MLB debut:

Jose’s big game fell 999 days after his debut. That’s an upside-down 666. Check out this recent post to learn more about how Steve Jobs’ death was synced up to the number of the Beast.

Steve Jobs would have been a span of 69 years, 96 days old

“September the eleventh”

The name Perkins has matching 92 and 97 gematria with September the eleventh.

Perkins = 92 and 97, September the eleventh = 92, 97, 227, and 313

Also note the values of 227 and 313. Jose Siri was born on the 22nd of July, or 22/7:

May 29th was a span of 2 years, 270 days after Siri’s call-up:

Siri was 313 months old for his first MLB game:

His heroics in Tampa fell a span of 313 days after his birthday: vvvv

On that same date, Perkins was a span of 3 months, 13 days before his birthday:

As always, there’s more. For instance, there’s 1 year, 7 weeks, 1 day separating Perkins’ and Siri’s dates of birth. Steve Jobs was 17001 days old on September 11th, 2001. The 171st Prime number is 1019.

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