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The Mercurial and 666 Riddles for John Barnett’s “Suicide”

Boeing Whistleblower Who Raised Quality Concerns Is Found Dead

This is my fourth of four posts on this story.

This series has been documenting the powerful numerical connections between John Barnett and former Boeing executive Nikki Haley.

John was born a span of exactly 517 weeks before Nikki:

"The Boeing Company" = 517 (Reverse Caps Mixed)

The Boeing Company nominated Nikki Haley to join its board on February 26th, 2019.

"Nikki Haley" = 512 (Latin)

The whistleblower died 5 years, 12 days after that vote:

Six six six (666) / Mercury

Haley was born a span of 699 weeks, 6 days after the establishment of the FAA:

Boeing was founded a span of 666 months, 6 days before Haley was born:

"Kennedy" = 666 (Reverse Sumerian)

Nikki Haley was born a span of 19960 days after JFK:

Pluto’s big day falls a span of 39099 days after JFK was born:

Haley started at Boeing during the 666th month since JFK was shot:

Kennedy joined the board in the 666th month since Barnett was born:

Whistleblower is a perfect base match with Planet Mercury.

Whistleblower and Planet Mercury both = 171, 180, 63, and 72

Mercury also has matching gematria with both John Mitch “Swampy” Russell and Richard “Beebo” Russell.

Mercury and Swampy both = 129 and 348

Mercury, John Mitch Swampy Barnett, and Richard Beebo Russell all = 317

666 is a number that appears to be strongly-linked to the planet Mercury.

"Six hundred sixty six" = 103 (Reverse Reduction)

Mercury and Boeing both = 103

Every row and column of the Magic Square of Mercury sums to 260:Kobe died 210 days before his birthday:

Nimarata Nikki Haley and The Boeing Company both = 260

A former longtime Boeing employee who had raised serious concerns about the company’s production standards was found dead in Charleston, South Carolina, over the weekend, according to the Charleston County Coroner’s Office.

"Charleston" = 155 (Reverse)


John Barnett was born a span of 1550 days after Caroline Kennedy:

Caroline Kennedy and Kennedy both = 155

The Roman holiday of Mercuralia falls on the 15th of May, or 15/05:

Barnett died a span of 1505 days (or 4 years, 44 days) after Kobe Bryant:

Killing = 155 Standard and 444 Sumerian

Skull and Crossbones, Skull and Crossbones Three twenty two, and Skull and Bones Three hundred twenty two all = 444

Kobe Bryant

Barnett was 20,823 days old for Nikki’s nomination:

Kobe Bryant was born on August 23rd, written as 8/23 or 23/8:

The Roman god of Mercury has a winged foot that is attributed in the logo of the Federal Aviation Administration, which was established on the 23rd of August, or 23/8:

Magic Square of Mercury = 238 and 2083

Caroline got in at Boeing a span of exactly 2803 weeks after her father was assassinated:

Caroline was born a span of 283 days after Pluto’s anniversary:

In Squares, Beebo Russell = 2083 and Beebo = 283

In Latin, Six hundred and sixty six = 2083 and Six hundred sixty six = 2038

Barnett died 2038 days after Beebo:

Barnett was born a span of 16660 days (or exactly 2380 weeks) after Boeing was founded:

Barnett died 238 days after Boeing’s anniversary:

Barnett and Kobe were born exactly 16 years, 6 months apart:

America’s Pluto return happens on the 166th day of a Leap year:

Twin Towers and Secret society both = 166 Ordinal

Kobe Bryant was born a span of 16666 days (or 2380 weeks) old for the 2024 Eclipse:

Kobe’s crash fell 238 before his 2024 birthday:

"Kobe Bryant" = 224 (Capitals Mixed)

This is also the Ordinal value of Boeing Board of Directors.

"Boeing Board of Directors" = 224 (Ordinal)

Barnett died a span of 22024 days after JFK:

2024 is the year of Pluto’s first full orbit since the United States declared its independence in 1776.

Swampy died 1776 days (or exactly 65 Sidereal months) after Nikki’s first day on the job:

Swampy and Kobe both = 65


JFK’s death was completely synced to Mercury.

"Mercury" = 1917 (Squares)

The company changed its name to Boeing in 1917.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy = 109 and 107

JFK was killed 1917 days after the FAA was founded:

"Sixty three" = 1917 (Standard)

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was assassinated in ’63, was born in 1917 on the 29th of May, or 29/5:

Aerospace engineering = 109 and 107, Aerospace = 295 Latin

JFK was the first president to take office after the establishment of NASA, which revolutionized Aerospace engineering and is even said to have landed men on the Moon, just as Kennedy had promised.

Boeing began operations a span of exactly 1,295 months before the Pluto return:

In Squares, Nimarata Nikki Randhawa = 2905 and Kennedy = 2095 Reverse

Two hundred twenty three, Three hundred twenty two, Skull and Bones society, and Skull And Bones all = 295

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