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Brazilian Gospel Singer Pedro Henrique Dies on Stage @ 30

Gospel Singer Pedro Henrique, 30, Collapses and Dies While Performing on Stage [VIDEO]

Henrique’s death occurred exactly 32 weeks before his birthday:

It happened in Brazil on a date with a Life Lesson number of 32:(12) + (13) + 2+0+2+3 = 32

"Brazil" = 32 (Reduction)

"Christ" = 32 (Reduction)

The second-largest city in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, is overseen by a statue called Christ the Redeemer, which was officially dedicated on October 13th, 1931:

"Christ the Redeemer" = 93 (Reduction)

Pedro Henrique was born in the year ’93.

"Pedro Henrique" = 930 (Sumerian)

It’s said that Jesus was crucified from the 3rd hour to the 9th hour. On a modern clock, this would be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Gods son, Nazareth, and Crucifix all = 93 Ordinal, Christianity = 930 Sumerian

Henrique passed away 93 days after September 11th:

Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11. 93 is also the average of the two flight numbers that struck the World Trade Center (175+11). The World Trade Center was bombed in the year ’93.

World Trade Center bombing and World Trade Center both = 247

Pedro died 11,247 days after the World Trade Center bombing:

He was born on the 24th of July, or 24/7

"Cristo Redentor" = 247 (Reverse Caps Added)


Many Christians believe Jesus was born on September 11th, or 9/11:

Pedro was born 9 months, 11 days after the statue’s anniversary and died when it was exactly 1106 months old:

"Henrique" = 119 (Reverse)

He suffered a heart attack 109 months, 11 days after the the opening of One World Trade Center:

Pedro Henrique was 11099 days old on December 13th:

When he had his heart attack, he was in the middle of his hit song Vai Ser Tao Lindo.

"Vai Ser Tao Lindo" = 1019 (Standard)

Pedro died after Collapsing on stage. The 9/11 attacks in the United States were mainly symbolized by the Collapse of the World Trade Center.

The 9/11 attacks occurred in 2001. Christ the Redeemer was added to the National Historic Heritage of Brazil in 2001:

Henrique died 8128 days after the 9/11 attacks in 2001:

8128 is the fourth Perfect number:

The third Perfect number is 496, which is the Latin value of Statue:

"Statue" = 496 (Latin)

Perfect number has matching 616 Latin gematria with Ritual sacrifice.

"Perfect number" = 616 (Latin)

"Ritual sacrifice" = 616 (Latin)

Pedro Henrique died while he had 616 thousand subscribers on YouTube:

"Pedro Henrique" = 616 (Latin)

This is just one off from 617.

"Christ the Redeemer" = 617 (Latin)

617 is the 113th Prime number

"Todah Music" = 113 (Ordinal)

Todah Music is the name of the record label Pedro released his music under.

Number of the Beast

Many people recognize 616 as the true Number of the Beast.

"Number of the Beast" = 724 (Latin)

Pedro, a famous singer of Gospel music, was born on July 24th, the date written 7/24:

"Gospel music" = 724 (Standard)

Pedro passed away on 12/13
is the 198th Prime number

"Beast" = 198 (Latin)

"Christ the Redeemer" = 1098 (Sumerian)

"Cristo Redentor" = 1098 (Sumerian)

The number of the Beast is more widely-recognized as 666. In Portuguese, Brazil’s official language, the statue is called Cristo Redentor.

Cristo Redentor = 696 Latin and 966 Standard

Jesus is the Son of God, and the Sun’s Magic Square has a total sum of 666:

Six hundred sixty six = 275 Ordinal, Jesus Christ = 1275 Latin

The number 33 is short-hand for 666.

Some outlets have reported that Pedro actually died a day later, on December 14th, a date with a Life Lesson number of 33:(12) + (14) + 2+0+2+3 = 33

That date was a span of 33,666 days after Christ the Redeemer was dedicated, and 116 days before the next Great American Eclipse:

It’s believed that 33 was the age Jesus was crucified at in 33 A.D.

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ both = 303 Ordinal

A span of 95 weeks is equivalent to 666 days.

"Six hundred sixty six" = 95 (Reduction)

Henrique died exactly 95 Lunar Years after Christ the Redeemer was dedicated:

"Todah" = 95 (Capitals Mixed)

Eclipse Code

Jesus has Ordinal gematria of 74. Pedro was a Gospel singer, which also sums to 74.

Jesus, Killing, Cross, Messiah, Gospel, and Parables all = 74 Ordinal

During a Total solar eclipse, darkness falls over the daytime sky. During the crucifixion of Jesus, darkness fell over the daytime sky.

Pedro’s death fell a span of 740 days after the last Total solar eclipse:

Total solar eclipse = 704 and 202

Pedro passed away 20 weeks, 2 days after his birthday:

The Eclipse code is connected to the Coronavirus pandemic, as the Sun’s Corona is only visible during a Total Solar Eclipse. Many people seem to be inferring that Pedro’s death was a result of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Henrique died 1370 days after Trump declared a COVID-19 pandemic

"COVID 19 pandemic" = 137 (Ordinal)

See my next post for more on how this COVID riddle connects to the collapse of Tom Lockyer in the English Premier League.

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