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The 2011 Death of Comedian Patrice O’Neal @ Age 41

In 2011, there was a Partial Solar Eclipse on July 1st. Normally, I don’t discuss partial eclipses – however, this one was very special, as it was the first Eclipse from Solar Saros series 156. This was the first new Saros series to produce an Eclipse in over 80 years. It won’t be until 2058 when the next one begins – so this was a big event.

The number 156 is a highly-significant number to the Eclipse code.

Solar and Lunar eclipses always occur 1, 5, or 6 lunar phases apart. The word Eclipse sums to 156 in Hebrew:

"Eclipse the Sun" = 156 (Ordinal)

The 156th Prime number is 911:

This post will examine how the death of a Comedian named Patrice Lumumba Malcolm O’Neal is connected to this astronomical rarity, as well as the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001.

Comedian and Patrice Lumumba Malcolm ONeal both = 152

His death fell a span of 152 days after the first Solar Eclipse from Saros # 156:

He died on a date with a Life Lesson number of 44:(11) + (29) + 2+0+1+1 = 44

Kill, Comedian, and Beatles all = 44

O’Neal passed away on the 29th of November, or 29/11, a date with the number 911 in it:

This was the tenth anniversary of the death of George Harrison, the guitarist of the most popular band of all-time, the Beatles, who also died on 29/11, the same year as the 9/11 attacks:

George Harrison and Beatles both share the same digits as the 152 above.

George Harrison = 512 Latin and Beatles = 125 Reverse

Patrice was born exactly 358 Lunar orbits after Harrison:

"Harrison" = 358 (Latin)

Patrice died a span of 358 days after his birthday:

The 9/11 Code

Patrice O’Neal was born on December 7th, or 12/7, the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks:

World Trade Center Buildings 12, and 7 were destroyed during the attacks of September 11th, 2001. Those events are now colloquially referred to as 9/11.

The 9/11 attacks in 2001 occurred on a date with Primary numerology of 41:

Pearl Harbor was attacked in the year ’41
Patrice O’Neal died at age 41

"Patrice Lumumba Malcolm ONeal" = 401 (Capitals Added)

He died 41 days after needing life-saving surgery following a blood clot:

The 41st Prime number is 179

O’Neal died 10 years, 79 days after the WTC was destroyed:

The inverse of the number 911 is 119, and if you flip it upside-down, you get a 116.

"Patrice ONeal" = 119 (Ordinal)

"ONeal" = 116 (Latin)

Patrice O’Neal was 11601 days old on 9/11/01:

The World Trade Center opened 3 years, 119 days after Patrice O’Neal was born and he died of Type 2 diabetes 14,119 days later:

"Type 2 diabetes" = 1160 (Reverse Sumerian)

Earlier that year, O’Neal had released his only hour-long comedy special, Elephant in the Room:

"Elephant in the Room" = 611 (Latin)

"Blood sacrifice" = 611 (Satanic)

He died a span of 9 months,11 days after it first aired on Comedy Central:

Elephant in the Room aired 9 years, 11 weeks after Harrison died:

A month prior to his death, he suffered a medical emergency stemming from a blood clot in his head. That happened on 10/19/11:On the morning of October 19, 2011, O'Neal phoned his fiancée Vondecarlo Brown to tell her he could not move his legs. He was rushed to Jersey City Medical Center and later Englewood Hospital in Englewood, New Jersey, where doctors performed surgery to remove a blood clot in his head.

"World Trade Center" = 1477 (Latin)

His emergency in 2011 was 14077 days (or exactly 2011 weeks) after the

Ritual human sacrifice = 911 Satanic and 211 Ordinal

The World Trade Center was destroyed on the date leaving 111 days in the year:

"World Trade Center" = 1110 (Sumerian)

O’Neal died 10 years, 11 weeks after 9/11:

"Patrice Lumumba Malcolm ONeal" = 1011 (Latin)

O’Neal passed away 1 months,10 days after suffering his blood clot:

He died during the first quarter of Brown Lunation # 1100:

Lunar Eclipse of ’11

His death in the 11th month of the year ’11 fell 11 days before the Total lunar eclipse during Brown Lunation # 1100:

Notice how that Lunar eclipse belonged to Saros series 135.

Lunar eclipse = 135 Ordinal and 533 Latin

Patrice O’Neal died exactly 533 weeks after the 9/11 attacks:

His comedy special came out a span of 295 days before that Eclipse.

"The World Trade Center" = 295 (Reverse)

George Harrison / 219

The World Trade Center has matching Ordinal / Reduction gematria with the number 219.

Two hundred nineteen and The World Trade Center both = 218 and 92

O’Neal was named after Patrice Lumumba, whose birth name was Isaïe Tasumbu Tawosa. He shares 219 gematria with George Harrison.

"Isaie Tasumbu Tawosa" = 219 (Ordinal)

"George Harrison" = 219 (Reverse)

Patrice was born a span of 2 months, 19 days before Harrison’s birthday:

Harrison died a span of 2 months, 19 days after the 9/11 attacks:

O’Neal died a span of 2 months, 19 days after the event’s 10th anniversary:

Patrice O’Neal departed at the age of 2190 weeks:

World Trade Center Construction

In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed on February 26th, or 2/26:

"Crucifixion of Jesus" = 226 (Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 226 (Standard)

Patrice died exactly 2260 weeks after WTC construction began:

Construction began on the 6th of August in 1968, or 6/8/68.

George Harrison would have been 68 years old when Patrice died:

Patrice O’Neal died exactly 680 Sidereal months after Patrice Lumumba:

The 68th Prime number is 337

"World Trade Center" = 1337 (Standard)

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