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September 14th, 2023 – The “Skull and Bones” Date

Yale University was founded on October 9th:

"Yale University" = 205 (Ordinal)

25 days before Yale's anniversary is the 14th of September, or 14/9:

In Ordinal, Skull and Bones = 149 and Skull and Crossbones = 223

1409 is the 223rd Prime number

The date 14/9 in 2023 has Primary and Reduced numerology of 66 and 21:(9) + (14) + (20) + (23) = 66 and 9 + 1+4 + 2+0+2+3 = 21

3×22 = 66. Skull and Bones and Sixty-six both = 149, 41, and 59

"Skull and Bones" = 201 (Capitals Added)

"Eclipse code" = 201 (Reverse)

Eclipse Code

The first Great American Eclipse fell on a date with Primary numerology of 66:(8) + (21) + (20) + (17) = 66

"Eclipse" = 66 (Latin Ordinal)

September 14th is the 257th day of the Gregorian calendar:

Yale University and Blood sacrifice = 257, Total solar eclipse = 257 and 202, Skull and Bones = 202

India claims to have landed a rover on the Moon 22 days before 14/9:

As the landing was determined to be a success, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi proudly waved the Indian flag (quite humorously, I might add):

Narendra Modi will be 26660 days old on 14/9:

This is the number stamped on NASA and its Fake Moon landing with the Apollo craft.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666 Reverse, Fake Moon landing = 666 Satanic, Apollo = 666 Fibonacci

That landing was on the 23rd of August, or 23/8. The Moon is an average of ~238,000 miles from Earth:"Six hundred sixty six" = 2038 (Latin)

One of the two founders of Skull and Bones was William Huntington Russell, who died in 1885. Skull and Crossbones885 / 1105. 11/05 was  the birthday of Alphonso Taft, the other founder.

William Russell died 2203 months after Yale was founded, or a span of 223 days after its anniversary:

Alphonso Taft died at the age of 4,202 weeks, 3 days old, a span of 2 months and 23 days before Russell’s birthday:

The Moon has a Hebrew value of 223 in Standard Gematria:

September 14th marks the start of Brown Lunation # 1246:

"Twelve forty six" = 223 (Ordinal)

223 is the 48th Prime number
The 2024 Total Eclipse is on 4/8
2×24 = 48

Six six six, Soma, and Luna all = 48

Chandrayaan-3 made its landing a span of 48 days (or 6 weeks, 6 days) before Yale’s 322nd anniversary:

Chandrayaan 3 = 48 and 66 Reduction


NASA’s first fake Moon landing was on July 20th, written 7/20 or 20/7.

Eclipse = 720 and 207

14/9 falls 207 days before the 2024 Great American Eclipse, whereas India’s Moon landing fell 229 days before it:

"Barack Obama" = 229 (Reverse)

666 is revealed as the number of the Beast in the 229th verse of Revelation, which is Revelation 13:18.

Obama was born 130 months, 18 days after Narendra Modi:

Revelation is a book written by John of Patmos about the Second coming of God’s son.

Patmos, Second coming, and God's son all = 331 Latin

The 331st Prime number is 2221
The final verse of Revelation is 22:21

Obama was born exactly 2221 months after Independence Day:

Barack Obama

The Beast rules for 42 months
The 42nd Prime number is 181

Barack Hussein Obama II = 181 Ordinal, Barack Obama = 181 Latin

While the 2024 Eclipse is on 4/8, Barack Obama was born on 8/4, the date that leaves 149 days in the year:

Skull and Bones = 149 and 41, Planet Venus = 149 and 41, Morning Star = 149

Obama will be 41 days after his birthday and a span of exactly 3241 weeks old:

6×6×6 = 216. The Moon’s equatorial diameter is 2160 miles. Obama was born on the 216th day of the year:

Last year, Barack Obama visited his old vice president, Joe Biden, at the White House.

Obama was a span of 22160 days old when he visited Sleepy Joe:

14/9 falls a span of 2216 days after the first Great American Eclipse:

Revelation 22:16 mentions the morning star, which is a nickname for the Planet Venus:

Venus will be in Leo on that date, which is Barack Obama‘s Sun sign.

Leo, Obama, and Barack Obama all = 32

The Morning Star is known as the “light bringer”, which translates directly to Lucifer.

Lucifer = 323 Latin, Barack Hussein Obama = 323 Reverse and Caps Mixed

Barack Hussein Obama II = 181, 82, and 641, The Morning Star = 181, 82, and 640, Barack Hussein Obama = 64 and 82

"Eighty two" = 666 (Reverse Sumerian)

There are exactly 82 Lunar months between the two Great American Eclipses:There are exactly 82 Lunar phases between the two Great American Eclipses

Yale’s 322nd anniversary falls exactly 82 Sidereal months after the 2017 Eclipse:

Yale’s anniversary also falls exactly 320 weeks after that first Eclipse. Consider that when looking at the gematria of Obama, which has virtually all the significant numbers I mentioned in this decode:

Obama = 32, 205, 2380, 84, 207, and 216

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