Actor Ray Liotta Dies @ 67
Actor Ray Liotta played Shoeless Joe in the 1989 film Field of Dreams:
See my previous posts on the film:
Field of Dreams (1989)
Field of Dreams Game – Anderson Hits Walk-Off HR
Actor Art LaFleur Dies – Anderson Racial Incident
Shoeless Joe Jackson was the most notable of the eight players banned for the Black Sox Scandal, which happened in the year 1919. As my posts point out, the number 1919 is highly-significant to the 1331 Eclipse code.

He died while filming a movie called Dangerous Waters.
There are 19 years in the Moon’s Metonic cycle. The number Nineteen has gematria of 244.
This is the Ordinal value of Joe Jackson‘s full name.
Speaking of full names – Liotta’s full name is Raymond Allen Liotta, reminding us of basketball great Ray Allen.
The 19th Prime number is 67
Liotta died at the age of 67
Astro-Charts tells us he was also born at 6:07 am:
The Eclipse code is the obvious centerpiece to this riddle. A team called the White Sox cheated, and as a result, got called the Black Sox. The Sun turns from White to Black during an Eclipse. This is why there was a Racism incident with Tim Anderson between a White and a Black person.
First, notice how the name Raymond matches The Moon in gematria.
The Magic Square of the Moon sums to 3321:
Perhaps more significantly, Liotta’s first name Ray can be seen as a reference to the rays of the Sun. In fact, the main character of Field of Dreams was named Ray Kinsella.
The Magic Square of the Sun sums to 666:
Ray Liotta’s full name has matching gematria with 666.

275 sidereal months separate the birthdays of Ray Allen Liotta and Walter Ray Allen:
Allen first became the all-time NBA three-point leader in 2011, on the date 2/10. He was born on July 20th, the date of the first Moon landing and “Moon” = 210.
156 / 911 Eclipse Coding
Last year, Stephen Curry broke Ray Allen’s three-point record on the anniversary of the 2020 Total eclipse – December 14th, or 12/14.
156 is the Ordinal gematria of Six six six and Triple sixes.
As pointed out above, the Black Sox scandal went down during the 1919 World Series. Not only is 1919 the gematria of 1331, the ultimate eclipse number, but Nineteen nineteen also sums to 156, just like 156.
The 156th Prime number is 911
Ray Liotta was born 1109 days (or a span of 3 years, 14 days) after Joe Jackson died:
Curry was born on the first Pi Day, 3/14 of ’88
The 88th Prime number is 457
Curry is 457 sidereal months old:
Uvalde Shooting
In my recent video on the Uvalde shooting, I point out how there is a deep riddle connected to Matthew McConaughey, who is from Uvalde, and astronaut Pete Conrad, who married a woman from Uvalde.
There’s also one current Major League player who went to Uvalde High School – Brooks Raley.
Not only his his name “Raley”, pronounced Ray Lee, a bit like Ray Liotta, but he also plays for the Tampa Bay Rays.
Lunar Eclipse
Ray Liotta was born on December 18th, or 12/18.
Liotta’s death occurred on the one-year anniversary of the major “Revelation” Eclipse I focused on a lot throughout 2021. The reason I called it that is because it happened on 5/26/2021, and the verse in Revelation that mentions both a solar and lunar eclipse sums to 526 and 2210.
That 2021 Total lunar eclipse belonged to Saros series 121.
Ray Liotta sums to 121 in that same alphabetic order.
761 is the 135th Prime number
In the old-fashioned alphabetic order, Joe Jackson equals 103.
Liotta was born on date with Primary numerology of 103, which also left 13 days in the year:
His death occurred under the sign of Gemini, which is ruled by the planet Mercury.
At 14:34 of this video I made on the death of Taylor Hawkins, I explain why the number 28 is important to the fleetest of all planets. Hawkins was exactly 208 Mercurial years old when he died in March.