Media Publishes Story About Suicides on Carrier
This story is about crew members of the USS George Washington. It’s a riddle connected to the numerology of the first president of the United States, George Washington, or as I like to call him, the “Male Mona Lisa.”
1399 is the 222nd Prime number
Washington was born on 2/22
It’s been 222 years since George Washington died, and today is 222 days before the 2022 anniversary of his death:
This story starts off by discussing the suicide of a sailor named Xavier Sandor:
Saint Francis Xavier is one of the founders of the Society of Jesus.
22 days ago, it was exactly 666 months after the Washington Monument, which is 6,660” tall, was added to the Register of Historic Places. The USS George Washington was commissioned exactly 216 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed – that’s 6×6×6. The number 666 is highly-connected to solar eclipses.
The USS George Washington was commissioned on Independence Day, or 7/4.
Francis Xavier was born on the 7th of April, or 7/4. In the Gospel, darkness falls over the sky during the death of Jesus on the Cross.
This depiction was painted in the year 1870:
This is the Reverse value of Society of Jesus, whose emblem is similar to a Total eclipse.
George Washington was a recognized member of Freemasonry.
The Jesuit Order was founded in the year 1540
Today is 154 days after the anniversary of Francis Xavier’s death and a span of 154 days after the last Total solar eclipse:
Today is May 6th, or 5/6
Francis Scott Key
Francis Xavier is not the only “Francis” connected to this story. When people think of July 4th, they often think about the Star-Spangled Banner, whose words were written by poet Francis Scott Key. Key was born in the year 779, which is shared by the USS George Washington and The Star-Spangled Banner.
Francis Scott Key would currently be 12,666 weeks old, and was even 88,666 days old yesterday:
The Star-Spangled Banner became the official United States’ national anthem on March 3rd, or 3/3, which was a span of 33,303 days ago:
Today has Primary numerology of 33:
It’s been 303 days since a pro-abortion sign was hung on a Christ statue in connection to the Star-Spangled Banner:
George Washington achieved the 33rd degree of Masonry.
Today is the date leaving 239 days in the year:
The United States is 245 years old, and will be 246 years old on Independence Day: