The Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964)
The United States entered The Vietnam War following the USS Maddox incident. Both share 979 gematria in the Jewish cipher.
The President who got America into the war, Lyndon B. Johnson, was born on the date leaving 126 days in the year:
In the alphabetic order, Vietnam War sums to 126. The USS Maddox incident was more commonly known as the Second Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was later proven to be a hoax and is now acknowledged as such by the federal government.
Notice the triple gematria value of 135. According to government legend, the American destroyers were attacked by the 135th Torpedo Squadron:
Two years prior to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, there was an Middle annular eclipse from Saros series 135. This was the first Middle eclipse in almost a century.
The Middle Eclipse was on July 31st, written 7/31
The number 731 was the designation given to the USS Maddox, the primary ship involved in the incident. Middle…Maddox…
Middle Annular Eclipse

The Gulf of Tonkin hoax, which got the United States of America into the war in Vietnam, occurred on August 4th, or 8/4.
The second Gulf of Tonkin incident was exactly 105 weeks after the 1962 Middle annular eclipse:
105 represents 15, which is also found in the gematria of both Annular eclipse and Gulf of Tonkin.
The date between the two Tonkin incidents was August 3rd, which leaves 150 days on the calendar:
The Gulf of Tonkin event began on the 215th day of a leap year:
The next total solar eclipse fell on May 30th of the following year, which is the 150th day of the year, leaving 215 on the calendar:
Additionally, Annular eclipse shares 228 gematria with Gulf of Tonkin incident, which led the United States of America to defense of the capitol in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Numbers of Deceit
Consider again the designation of DD-731 of the USS Maddox in light of the Middle eclipse from July 31st of 1962. 7/31 in 1962 fell 731 days before 7/31 in 1964:
The date July 31st can also be written as 31/7. This is the word LIE flipped upside-down, and is the Ordinal value of The word LIE flipped upside-down.
Another number that looks like the word LIE (or liE) is 113. This is considered integral to deception:
The Gulf of Tonkin incident began 1 years, 13 days after the last Total solar eclipse and 1 year, 113 days before the next Annular eclipse:
1113 is the English value of North Vietnam, which is connected to the word Eclipse in Jewish.

666 is a very significant eclipse number.
Destroyer Commission Dates
Notice how the Turner Joy‘s commission date of August 3rd was the same as the day between the two Tonkin incidents. In the alphabetic order, USS Turner Joy sums to 205.

US Government
343 is 7×7×7
“Numeric ritual” = 777, “Cube of Saturn” = 777
457 is the 88th Prime number
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed by the 88th US Congress on August 7th, meaning most people probably learned about it on 8/8.