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Presidents Joko Widodo and Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s stepfather Lolo Soetoro was Indonesian.

Doesn’t Indonesian president Joko Widodo share a striking resemblance to president Obama?

"Barack Obama and Joko Widodo" = 440 (Reverse Ordinal)

The two presidents were born 44 days apart:

Widodo became president on a date with Standard numerology of 44:(10) + (20) + (14) = 44

Obama was America’s 44th President
The 44th Prime number is 193

Widodo was born on a date with a Life Lesson number of 44, leaving 193 days in the year:(6) + (21) + 1+9+6+1 = 44

The date Widodo was sworn in also had numerology of 64:
(10) + (20) + (20) + (14) = 64

Joko was a span of exactly 640 months old on that date:

"Barack Hussein Obama" = 64 (Full Reduction)

Lolo Soetoro’s Death

Lolo Soetoro died on March 2nd, the date written 3/2.

Obama and Barack Obama both = 32

Lolo Soetoro died during his 19053rd day since birth:

Joko Widodo and Barack Obama = 1953

He died in the year ‘87

Barack - Joko = 87 Ordinal and 807 Jewish

Lolo Soetoro died 59 days after his birthday:

Joko Widodo took office exactly 5 years, 9 months after Barack Obama:

Obama and Widodo were both 59 years of age when the KRI Nanggala sunk.

59 is the 17th Prime number

Joko Widodo has Primary birth numerology of 107:(6) + (21) + (19) + (61) = 107

"Ritual sacrifice" = 107 (Reverse Reduction)

Soetoro = 107 and 82

The 82nd Prime number is 421
The KRI Nanggala sank on 4/21

More Connections

Both Barack Obama and Joko Widodo were born in the year ‘61.  Lolo died on the 61st day of the year:

The 61st Prime number is 283, syncing up with Lolo Soetoro’s full name:

"Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo" = 283 (English Ordinal)

Lolo’s other full name has matching gematria with both men’s full names.

Lolo Soetoro Mangundikardj0 = 303 Ordinal Barack Hussein Obama and Joko Widodo = 303 Ordinal

"Joko Widodo" = 121 (English Ordinal)

Joko Widodo became President 121 days after his birthday. It was also 2 months, 16 days after the birthday of Barack Obama:

Barack = 216 Sumerian, Obama = 216 Trigonal

Joko Widodo was born on June 21st, written 21/6 in Indonesia. Barack was born on the 216th day of the year, leaving 149 days on the calendar:

"Joko Widodo" = 149 (Reverse Ordinal)

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