Death of Jeremy Bulloch Connected to Wonder Woman 1984
My last post was on the death of Jeremy Bulloch, the man who played Boba Fett, who died at the age of 75.
This is the Ordinal value of Wonder Woman.
In Ordinal, Jeremy Bulloch sums to 149.
149 is the value of Gal Gadot and Planet Venus, which is associated with feminine energy.
Gadot stars in the film Wonder Woman 1984, which comes out on a date with a Life Lesson number of 41:
13 years on Venus is almost exactly 8 years on Earth, meaning the planet’s orbital ratio is 13:8 (a Fibonacci relationship). This is Gal Gadot’s primary birth numerology:
Gal Gadot’s birthday falls under the sign of Taurus, which is ruled by the planet Venus.
Gal Gadot is and will be 57 Venusian years old on the date of the film’s release. Both her date of birth, and the release date have numerology of 57:
57 is a number of the “Moon” = 57, which has a 57° range of declination. December 25th is exactly 441 lunar phases after her birth.
The Magic Square of Venus is 7×7:
Gal Gadot’s initials are G.G., or 7-7. Wonder Woman 1984 comes out on a date with Primary numerology of 77:
Adding the values in all 77 squares above gives you a sum of 1225. The film is released on Christmas, the date written 12/25.
The film features actor Pedro Pascal, who plays a Bounty Hunter, the main character on the show The Mandalorian. He died on a date with numerology of 49, lining up with the number of squares in Venus’s Magic Square above:
The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian is essentially an homage to the character Boba Fett from the original Star Wars trilogy. The actor who played Boba Fett was Jeremy Bulloch, who died yesterday, about one week before the release of Wonder Woman 1984.
1+9+8+4 = 22. It’s interesting that a film with 1984 in it is being released in 2020.
The 266 in Reverse is especially significant. As mentioned in my post on Bulloch’s death, the date of birth of the 266th and current Pope, when the Sun reached 266° on the ecliptic. Pedro Pascal, who plays the Mandalorian, was born exactly 266 months after Dog the Bounty Hunter, whose wife died on 26/6 last year. The Mandalorian’s name is Bounty Hunter Din Djarin.
Wonder Woman 1984
With Full number calculation, Wonder Woman 1984 sums to 2039. This is similar to the gematria of Diana Prince – Wonder Woman in Ordinal.
Wonder Woman’s civilian name is Diana Prince.
Wonder Woman 1984 comes out exactly 186 weeks after Wonder Woman, and 1860 weeks after Gal Gadot’s birth:
“Feminism” Coding
The concept of feminism is closely-linked with water. See one of Rambo’s posts that details this.
Gal Gadot’s family changed their last name from Greenstein after she was born. The name Gal means “wave” and Gadot means “riverbanks”. Both of these words have to do with water.

Wonder Woman is not the only famous female Marvel superhero – the other with her own major feature film is Captain Marvel. Adding Captain Marvel – Wonder Woman gives you 109 in gematria. So does adding their “real” names:
The word feminism sums to 128.
Pedro Pascal was born on a date with 100 / 28 numerology:
Gadot matches feminism as well.
In Ordinal, Gadot sums to 47.