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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Streams on Twitch

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just played a video game on Twitch to encourage voting

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was born on the 13th of October, the date written 13/10.

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez" = 131 (Reverse Reduction)

She was born in ’89, making her Primary birth numerology 131:(10) + (13) + (19) + (89) = 131

AOC was a span of 11331 days old:

Of course, 1331 might be the most important number with the current Covid agenda. The number is just one shy of 666×2. Covid-19 began 666 years after Black Death ended.

AOC’s Ordinal gematria lines up with 666 in Jewish:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez = 238 Ordinal, Six hundred sixty-six = 2038 Jewish

She represents the state of New York.

"New York" = 666 (English Sumerian)

She represents the Fourteenth District, which has an upside-down 666 in its Reduction gematria:

Fourteenth District = 90, 99, and 234
234+432 = 666

The game she played on Twitch was called Among Us.

Among Us = 90 and 99 Ordinal

6+6+6 = 18Among Us was released in the year ’18 on the 15th of June, or 15/6.

Six six six and Triple sixes both = 156 Ordinal

“Twitch” Coding

Ocasio-Cortez’s birthday leaves 79 days in the year, and she had Standard birth numerology of 112:(10) + (13) + (89) = 112

Twitch = 79 Reverse and 1120 Jewish

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez" = 112 (Single Reduction)

Twitch.tv is 112 months old:

Ocasio-Cortez was sworn into office on 1/03/19:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez = 103 Reduction, AOC = 19 Ordinal

When she was sworn into office, she was a span of 29 years, 83 days old:

Twitch = 29 and 83

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