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The Death of Gloria Vanderbilt (1924 – 2019)

Gloria Vanderbilt (Wiki)

Gloria Vanderbilt died during the 2019 College World Series, which was won by Vanderbilt University.

Vanderbilt won by scoring 44, and 8 runs in the finals:

"Eclipse sacrifice" = 448 (English Extended)

Gloria died exactly 251 weeks before the second Great American Eclipse:

"Ritual sacrifice" = 251 (Reverse Ordinal)

251 is the 54th Prime number

Baseball = 54 in two base methods

Gloria died at the age of 95, exactly 95 weeks (or a span of 666 days) after the first Great American Eclipse:

Gloria Vanderbilt was involved in a child custody battle in the 1930’s dubbed the trial of the century.

"Trial of the century" = 95 (Reverse Reduction)

Gloria’s son Anderson Cooper was born on a date with Primary numerology of 95:(6) + (3) + (19) + (67) = 95

Metonic Cycle

666 is a number with significant relation to the Moon. The word kill has 64 gematria, just like the name Vanderbilt.

"Kill" = 64 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Vanderbilt" = 64 (Reverse Reduction)

Gloria Vanderbilt was 64 years old when her son Carter Cooper died. 64 is the Reduction value of 19 years, the length of time in the Moon’s Metonic cycle.

"Nineteen years" = 64 (Full Reduction)

Gloria died in the year ’19. The 19th Prime number is 67, and Anderson Cooper was born in 1967.

Gloria Vanderbilt = 79 and 101 Reduction, Metonic = 79 and 110 Ordinal

In Ordinal, 19 years sums to 154 and 197.

Nineteen years = 154 and 197 Ordinal

Anderson Cooper was born on the 154th day of the year:

Gloria was a span of 154 days after her birthday when her son died:

Metonic cycle has matching 197 gematria with 19 years. In those 19 years, 7 of them contain a thirteenth month.

"Metonic cycle" = 197 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Thirteenth month" = 197 (English Ordinal)

Gloria died on the date leaving 197 days in the year:

"Gloria" = 197 (English Extended)

"Trial of the century" = 1970 (Trigonal)

On the date of Gloria’s death, Anderson Cooper was 19007 days old:

197 is the 45th Prime number

"Anderson" = 45 (Reverse Reduction)

More Metonic Cycle Alignments

Trial of the century has Jewish gematria of 1207.

"Trial of the century" = 1207 (Jewish)

"Thirteenth" = 127 (English Ordinal)

The Ordinal value of Metonic cycle is 127, syncing up with the Extended value of 19 years.

"Metonic cycle" = 127 (English Ordinal)

"Nineteen years" = 1270 (English Extended)

Gloria's son Carter was born on 1/27. Her son Anderson was born 127 days after Carter's birthday:

"Six six six" = 2127 (English Extended)

Carter died a span of 127 days after the most recent total solar eclipse:

Carter’s death was also 127 days after 3+17+19+88 = 127.

127 is the 31st Prime number
31×31 = 961

"Vanderbilt" = 961 (Jewish)

"Gloria Vanderbilt" = 169 (English Ordinal)

In Reduction, Metonic cycle sums to 62.

"Metonic cycle" = 62 (Reverse Reduction)

Gloria died on a date with Primary numerology of 62:(6) + (17) + (20) + (19) = 62

"Gloria" = 62 (English Ordinal)

In Extended, metonic cycle sums to 1108.

"Metonic cycle" = 1108 (English Extended)

Gloria died a span of 118 days after her birthday:

Carter Cooper

In our capital letter ciphers, Metonic cycle sums to 253 and 153.

Metonic cycle = 253 and 153

When Carter Cooper died, Anderson was 253 months old and their mother Gloria was 153 days after her birthday:

In Jewish gematria, the number 19 sums to 244.

"Nineteen" = 244 (Jewish)

Both of these numbers are found in the simple gematria of Carter Vanderbilt Cooper.

Carter Vanderbilt Cooper = 109 Reduction and 244 Ordinal

The Earth is 11/3rds the size of the Moon.

"Moon" = 113 (Franc Baconis)

When Carter died, Anderson Cooper was a span of exactly 1103 weeks old:

The 113th Prime number is 617
Gloria Vanderbilt died on 6/17

The Moon has double gematria of 36.

The Moon = 36 in both Single and Reverse Single Reduction

Anderson and Cooper both = 36 in Reduction

Anderson Cooper was 3 months, 6 days after his birthday when AC-360° first premiered on CNN:
36 Years, 3 Months, 6 Days

See more on Cooper’s 36 / 666 riddle. It’s worth mentioning that Anderson Cooper was born 857 days after Carter Cooper. 857 is a significant Moon number. Not only is it the maximum number of days between total eclipses, but it’s also 29 lunar phases.

Carter = 29 Reduction and 269 Jewish

269 is the 57th Prime number
The Moon has a 57° range of declination

"Moon" = 57 (English Ordinal)

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