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Yankees Owner Hank Steinbrenner Dies @ 63

Yankees Co-Owner Hank Steinbrenner Dies at 63 from Longstanding Health Issue

Yankees owner Hank Steinbrenner has died exactly 509 weeks after his father, former team owner George Steinbrenner:509 Weeks, 0 Days

"Hank" = 59 (Jewish)

"Kill" = 59 (Jewish)

George was born in 1930
19×3 = 57
Hank was born in ’57

George was born on July 4th, written 7/4.

"Hank" = 74 (Reverse Ordinal)

The 24 is interesting for another particular reason. The 24th Prime number is 89. George was 80 years, 9 days old when he died and would be 89 years old today.

Hank’s birthday can also be written 4/2. The 42nd Prime number is 181.

"Steinbrenner" = 181 (Reverse Ordinal)

“Baseball” Riddle

Hank Steinbrenner sums to 177.

"Hank Steinbrenner" = 177 (English Ordinal)

His father George would have been 1077 months, 10 days old:1077 Months, 10 Days

Henry George Steinbrenner III = 171 S Exception and 1710 Extended
Hank’s full name

George’s death fell on July 13th, the date leaving 171 days in the year:

171 is the 18th Triangular number. George’s birthday fell on the date leaving 180 days in the year:

Baseball = 171 Extended, 18 Reduction, 162 Reverse and Primes
18 outs per game, 162 games per season

"Henry George Steinbrenner III" = 162 (Full Reduction)

Major League Baseball = 162 Ordinal and 63 Reduction

Hank died at the age of 63. Notice how this number is found in his birth numerology:(4) + (2) + (57) = 63

This upcoming season will be the 118th season in Yankees history.

Death and Homicide both = 118 in Jewish gematria

Today has numerology of 38:(4) + (14) + (20) = 38

Death, Killing, R.I.P. and Murder all = 38

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