Chris Godwin Likely to Give Tom Brady #12
Chris Godwin was born on a date with Primary numerology of 144
144 is the 12th Fibonacci number
144 is also 12×12
Godwin’s full name sums to 120 in Reverse Reduction.
His common name sums to 1200 in Jewish gematria.
The day before Brady signed with Tampa Bay, Godwin was 8787 days old:
On the date of this news article, he was a span of 24 days after his 24th birthday:
Brady signed with Tampa Bay on March 20th, a date that can be written internationally as 20/20/3
Chris Godwin was drafted 84th overall in 2017.
The two men are separated in birth by a span of exactly 969 weeks:
They’ll be playing their home games together at Raymond James Stadium.