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The Date March 23rd

Once in a great while, a future date stands out for its alignments to total solar eclipses. I don’t often make a post on it, but invariably, something will occur on that date with similar numbers.

March 23rd, 2020 appears to be one of those dates. Because the coronavirus is so clearly an eclipse-related disease, it may stand to reason that we get a celebrity death on that date related to the coronavirus. I’m not necessarily predicting that, but something significant is sure to go down, and I’ll be here decoding it after the fact.

March 23rd falls a span of 38 weeks after the most recent total solar eclipse:38 Weeks, 0 Days

March 23rd is also exactly 38 weeks before the next total solar eclipse:38 Weeks, 0 Days

"ירח (Moon)" = 38 (Hebrew Ordinal)


March 23rd is the 83rd day of this leap year, leaving 283 days on the calendar:

"The Moon" = 283 (Jewish)

The date March 23rd is written internationally as 23/3. The first Great American total solar eclipse fell on the 233rd day of the year:

That eclipse, as well as March 23rd, have Primary numerology of 66(8) + (21) + (20) + (17) = 66(3) + (23) + (20) + (20) = 66

Corona = 66 and 30

March 23rd also has a Life Lesson number of 30, and Standard numerology of 46(3) + (23) + 2+0+2+0 = 30(3) + (23) + (20) = 46

"Virus" = 46 (Reverse Ordinal)

The second Great American eclipse occurs on April 8th, 2024

"Corona" = 224 (Jewish)

It will be a date with Primary numerology of 56(4) + (8) + (20) + (24) = 56

"Coronavirus" = 56 (Full Reduction)

Measuring from March 23rd to that date gives us exactly 211 weeks:211 Weeks, 0 Days

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 211 (English Ordinal)

"Killing" = 211 (Primes)

211 is the 47th Prime number

"Killing" = 47 (Full Reduction KV)

"Total eclipse" = 47 (Full Reduction)

Coronavirus has the same gematria as total eclipse in Reduction.

Coronavirus and Total eclipse both = 56 and 70

In Jewish gematria, eclipse sums to 192

"Eclipse" = 192 (Jewish)

The 192nd Prime number is 1163

"Coronavirus" = 1163 (English Extended)

And of course, the ultimate eclipse number is 1331.

"Coronavirus" = 1303 (Jewish)

One hundred thirty-three and Three hundred thirty-one both = 331 in Jewish gematria

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