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Comedian Chris Cotton Dies @ 32

According to this page, Chris Cotton was born on January 16th, 1987. Although Chris passed away yesterday, news of his death spread today, a date with primary numerology of 63(12) + (12) + (20) + (19) = 63

"Chris Cotton" = 63 (Reverse Reduction)

In Ordinal, Chris Cotton sums to 144

"Chris Cotton" = 144 (English Ordinal)

144 is 12×12 and the 12th Fibonacci
Today’s date is written 12/12

"Total solar eclipse" = 1212 (English Sumerian)

Less than a week ago, Chris Cotton turned 12012 days old. Today would be his 12019th day since birth:12019 Days

"Chris Cotton" = 1219 (Trigonal)

The name Chris always stands out when decoding deaths because the eclipse crucifixion code is centered around the crucifixion of Christ. I even had a cousin named Chris who passed away from a stroke at the age of 18 – it was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on the date 2/25

"Milwaukee, Wisconsin" = 225 (English Ordinal)

He died a span of 3 months, 3 days after the most recent total solar eclipse.

"Chris" = 33 (Reverse Reduction)

“Kill” Code

"Kill" = 44 (English Ordinal)"Comedian" = 44 (Reverse Reduction)

Today is a span of exactly 1717 weeks since Chris Cotton’s birth:1717 Weeks, 0 Days

He died on a date with Reduced numerology of 171+2 + 1+1 + 2+0+1+9 = 17

"Comedian Chris Cotton" = 107 (Reverse Reduction)"Ritual sacrifice" = 107 (Reverse Reduction)

The 17th Prime number is 59

Kill = 17 Reduction and 59 Jewish

Christopher died 5 months, 9 days after this year’s total solar eclipse:5 Months, 9 Days

"Christopher" = 59 (Reverse Reduction)

This is a number commonly associated with the deaths of black celebrities.

Slave, Negro, Blues all = 59 Ordinal

Today is the date that leaves 19 days in the year ’19

Kill = 19 Hebrew Reduction & 244 Hebrew gematria

"Nineteen" = 244 (Jewish)

Eclipse Code

"Comedian Christopher Cotton" = 290 (English Ordinal)"Eclipse sacrifice" = 290 (Reverse Ordinal)"Christ" = 290 (Jewish)

Measuring instead to the next total solar eclipse, we get 12 months, 3 days. It’s also 120 weeks, 3 days after the 2017 Great American eclipse:

Cotton has primary birth numerology of 123 and Reduced numerology of 33(1) + (16) + (19) + (87) = 1231 + 1+6 + 1+9+8+7 = 33

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Jesus was crucified at the age of 33. Chris had the initials C.C. or 3-3

"Eclipse" = 33 (Full Reduction)

Today is 36 days before Cotton’s 33rd birthday. Today’s date has 36 and 43 numerology as well.

"Jesus Christ" = 43 (Full Reduction)

He died exactly of 1580 days before the second Great American eclipse:1580 Days

"Christopher" = 158 (Reverse Ordinal)

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