Songwriter LaShawn Daniels Dies @ 41
Lashawn Daniels has passed away on a date with primary numerology of 52
The date of his death was 250 days after his birthday and also had 25 numerology:
“Ritual Sacrifice” Code
Daniels won a grammy for the 1999 Destiny’s Child single Say My Name. He died exactly 9 months, 4 weeks after the anniversary of that song’s release date:
Daniels died on 9/4
His full name has Jewish/Latin gematria of 1310
131 is the 32nd Prime number
He died on a date with Standard numerology of 32
In Reverse Ordinal, Daniels’ full name sums to 333
He died 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days before his next birthday:
This same duration is also 115 days or 16 weeks, 3 days:
163 is the 38th Prime number
Eclipse Crucifixion Code
September 4th is a prime date for an eclipse sacrifice by the crucifixion code
Daniels died on the 247th day of the year:
Eclipse crucifixion code sums to 227 and 1433

Daniels died a span of 227 days after the last total lunar eclipse.
227 is the 49th Prime number
September fourth can be written 4/9
821 is the 142nd Prime number
Both Lashawn Daniels and Songwriter Lashawn Daniels have the same 142 gematria as eclipse sacrifice
He died 64 days after the 2019 total solar eclipse:
His death fell 101 days before December 14th, the date of the next total solar eclipse in 2020:
If you measure to the actual date of the next total eclipse, we find a span of 66 weeks, 6 days:
Lashawn also has very similar gematria to eclipse
Headline Gematria
This post focused on how his death was a solar eclipse ritual. But watch when happens when you turn on full number calculation:
He died exactly 90 weeks before the next total lunar eclipse