Lori Loughlin & Felicity Huffman Involved in College Scandal
Let’s begin with the gematria of the headline, which sums to 2207 in the Primes cipher:
2207 is the 329th Prime number
Notice how the article was last updated at 3:10
The word college sums to 31
1331 is one of the most significant numbers in this study, as it represents a solar eclipse.
13×31 = 403
When you write out 1331 as it’s spelled, you get 1919
Loughlin and Huffman were born 19 months, 19 days apart:
Conspiracy Code
Let’s measure to the most recent and next total solar eclipses from today’s date, which can be written 12/3
The 2017 Great American eclipse was 1 year, 203 days ago:
The inverse of 123 is 321
The 2019 total eclipse is a span of 3 months, 21 days away:
The women are being charged with conspiracy
A Larger Eclipse Riddle
The two women’s names also sum to 187 when combined:
The word eclipse sums to 33
In Hebrew, total eclipse sums to 227
Felicity Huffman is 3 months, 3 days after her birthday, and Lori Loughlin is 227 days after hers:
Huffman’s husband, William H. Macy, turns 69 years old tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Lori Louglin is married to Mossimo Giannulli
He founded a clothing company named Mossimo in 1986, which is 33 years ago. Mossimo also has the 13-31 connection:
Giannulli is 281 days after his birthday, matching the Reverse value of the name of the criminal investigation:
The “Stars” Are Arrested
Today has Full numerology of 54
Of course, a solar eclipse is when the Moon covers up the Sun
Lori is 54 years old:
The Sun is said to be 93 million miles away. Felicity Huffman is 93 days after her birthday:
Saturn falls into direct opposition with the Sun every 54 weeks.
With the number of people involved, this post could go on forever, so I’m trying to focus on the most basic aspects. But here are a few other things worth mentioning.
Everyone was essentially hit with the same charge:
241 is the 53rd Prime number
317 is the 66th Prime number
313 is the 65th Prime number
The parents paid up to $6.5 million
Also notice the $200,000
How about another look at the headline?
739 is the 131st Prime number (think 1331)
131 is the 32nd Prime number
As for the 1313…no real explanation necessary.