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First All-Female Spacewalk This Month

2 astronauts are scheduled for the first all-female spacewalk in history

The two women’s names have combined gematria of 227

"Anne McClain & Christina Koch" = 227 (English Ordinal)

227 is a number of ritual and symbolism

"Ritual and symbolism" = 227 (English Ordinal)

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 227 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"The Society of Jesus" = 227 (Jewish Ordinal)

The spacewalk will take place on March 29th.

March 29th is written 3/29
The 329th Prime number is 2207

"2 astronauts are scheduled for the first all-female spacewalk in history" = 2207 (Primes)

227 is the 49th Prime number

The two astronauts were born 4 months, 9 days apart:4 Months, 9 Days

Their spacewalk will occur 4 months, 9 days after the anniversary of the launch of the ISS:4 Months, 9 Days

4 months, 9 days is also 129 days. Christina Koch was born on 1/29, exactly 129 days before Anne McClain.

(Alt+227) = π = 3.14
= 3.14"Twenty-two divided by seven" = 314 (English Ordinal)

McClain is already aboard the ISS. Koch will be joining her on 3/14.

Divine Feminine Code

The number I was originally looking for in their gematria was 119 or 911, and that showed up as well.

"Anne McClain & Christina Koch" = 119 (Single Reduction)

"Divine feminine" = 911 (Jewish)

The word female in that Jewish cipher sums to 67

"Female" = 67 (Jewish)

Anne McClain was born on June 7th, or 6/7

67 is the 19th Prime number
Both women were 19 when the ISS was launched

Christina Koch has Standard birth numerology of 109(1) + (29) + (79) = 109

"Christina Koch" = 190 (Francis Bacon)

This makes ’19 an especially ideal year for the first spacewalk with only female astronauts

"Spacewalk" = 1090 (Jewish)

"Female astronauts" = 190 (English Ordinal)

The date of the announcement has Tiny numerology of 193 + 6 + 1+9 = 19

The spacewalk will be conducted on March 29th, which has Tiny numerology matching the Reduction value of female3 + 2+9 + 1+9 = 24

"Female" = 24 (Full Reduction)

Class of 2013

On the date of the spacewalk, the International Space Station will be 20 years, 130 days old:20 Years, 130 Days

Both women are from the Astronaut class of 2013

"Christina Koch" = 213 (Reverse Ordinal)

The date written 2/13, February 14th, is the 44th day of the year:

Christina Koch and Anne McClain will go outside the ISS on a date with a Life Lesson number of 44(3) + (29) + 2+0+1+9 = 44

"Anne McClain" = 44 (Full Reduction)

"Forty-four" = 144 (English Ordinal)"International Space Station" = 1044 (Jewish)

Astronauts’ Numerology

"Female Spacewalk" = 406 (Primes)

Astronaut Christina Koch will be 40 years, 60 days old:40 Years, 60 Days

NASA was founded on a date with 113 numerology, matching Koch’s full name and her birthplace:(7) + (29) + (19) + (58) = 113

Christina Hammock Koch & Grand Rapids, Michigan both = 113 Reverse Reduction

"Scottish" = 113 (English Ordinal)

NASA is synonymous with the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

Christina Hammock Koch & Scottish Rite both = 1448 in Trigonal

"Freemasonry" = 158 (Reverse Ordinal) "Masonry" = 39 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Anne McClain, meanwhile, was born on the 158th day of the year, which had 39 numerology: 6 + 7 + 1+9+7+9 = 39

Eclipse Riddle

The highest degree of Masonry is said to be the 33rd

"Masonry" = 33 (Full Reduction)

The spacewalk will take place 3 months, 3 days before the next total solar eclipse3 Months, 3 Days

"Eclipse" = 33 (Full Reduction)

Total solar eclipse & Christina Hammock Koch = 202 Ordinal

Koch’s name has all sorts of connections to 33

Thirty-three & Christina Koch = 66 in Reduction

The 33rd Prime number is 137
The 33rd Triangular number is 561

Christina Koch = 1037 Trigonal. 561 Extended

Measuring instead to the most recent total solar eclipse, we get a pair of 13‘s:1 Year, 31 Weeks, 3 Days

"Christina Hammock Koch" = 103 (Single Reduction)

The 130th Prime number is 733

"Christina Hammock Koch" = 733 (English Extended)

News of the first all-female spacewalk broke on March 6th, which was 1 year, 198 days after that same total eclipse:1 Year, 198 Days

"All-female spacewalk" = 1198 (Jewish)

Without the end date, it was 1 year, 197 days:1 Year, 197 Days

"Six six six" = 1197 (Jewish)

"National Aeronautics and Space Administration" = 666 (Reverse Ordinal)

666 is the 36th Triangular number
The announcement was made on 3/6

Bonus – Rule of Colel

In gematria, there is something called the Rule of Colel, which essentially says numbers just one digit apart can still be viewed as a match. I rarely mention this rule, since many people already think I’m looking at “coincidences”. But after a couple years of study, I have no doubt that it is sometimes used. Consider that the first all-female spacewalk will take place on 3/29

"All-female spacewalk" = 328 (Reverse Ordinal)

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