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Daryl Dragon, “Captain” From Captain & Tennille, Dead @ 76

Daryl Frank Dragon, who died on the same day as “Mean” Gene Okerlund, had Reduction gematria of 79

"Daryl Frank Dragon" = 79 (Full Reduction)

""Mean" Gene Okerlund" = 79 (Reverse Full Reduction)

79 is the 22nd Prime number

The date they both died had Standard numerology of 22(1) + (2) + (19) = 22

Solar Eclipse Code

Eclipse sacrifice also has gematria of 79

"Eclipse sacrifice" = 79 (Full Reduction)

Dragon was born in the year ’42 and died on a date with Full numerology of 42(1) + (2) + (20) + (19) = 42

"Eclipse" = 42 (Single Reduction)

The 42nd Prime number is 181

He died 181 days before the next total solar eclipse:181 Days

Daryl Dragon was Captain from Captain & Tennille

"Captain & Tennille" = 713 (English Extended)

"Total eclipse" = 713 (English Extended)

Dragon died a span of 71 weeks, 3 days after the most recent total (solar) eclipse71 Weeks, 3 Days

His death falls exactly 239 days after Tennille‘s birthday:239 Days

"Tennille" = 239 (Jewish)

Kill / Sacrifice Code

Dragon died 4 months, 6 days before his wife Tennille’s birthday:4 Months, 6 Days

He also died 4 months, 6 days after his own birthday, which had numerology of 73 and 464 Months, 6 Days

(8) + (27) + (20) + (18) = 73 & (8) + (27) + 2+0+1+8 = 46

"Sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal)"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)

"להרוג (to kill)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal) "רצח (murder)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal)

Dragon, Okerlund and Super Dave Osborne all died at the age of 76 on the same date.

"Blood sacrifice" = 76 (Single Reduction)

Dragon is said to have died from renal failure

"Renal failure" = 76 (Reverse Full Reduction)

In standard Reduction, renal failure sums to 59

"Renal failure" = 59 (Full Reduction)

"Kill" = 17 Reduction and 59 Jewish
The 17th Prime number is 59

Dragon began his musical career in ’59

"Dragon" = 59 (English Ordinal)

His partner was Toni Tennille

"Toni Tennille" = 59 (Full Reduction)

13 appears to be a sacrificial number.

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 103 (Single Reduction)

"Thirteen" = 347 (Jewish) "לְהַקְרִיב (Sacrifice)" = 347 (Hebrew Gematria)

In the Reverse order, Dragon sums to 103

"Dragon" = 103 (Reverse Ordinal)

The date he died had Tiny numerology of 131 + 2 + 1+9 = 13

13×13 = 169

"Daryl Frank Dragon" = 169 (English Ordinal)

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