Chinese CEO Arrested on Suspicion of Rape
Richard Liu sums to 103
His real name is Liu Qiangdong
In numerology, these both represent the number 13, just like the phrase sexual abuse
The number 13 has double Reduction gematria of 45
Richard Liu is 45 years old, like the gematria of the website:
The number 13 also has gematria of 117
The 13th Prime number is 41
The 41st Prime number is 179
Richard Liu is currently 179 days after his birthday:
The website was established on June 6th, 1998. That means on the date of today’s news, it’s 20 years, 2 months, 30 days old:
Richard Liu was born on the 147th anniversary of the death of John VI of Portugal, who founded the National Museum of Brazil, which burned to the ground over the weekend.
John VI founded the Museum on the date June 6th, 1818
6+6+6 = 18, the company Richard Liu works for, was also founded on June 6th, exactly 180 years later: