“Pussy Riot” Storms Field During World Cup Final
(h/t to Casey Jones Occult Astrology – Blog – YouTube)
Think the group of people who ran onto the field during the World Cup final was random? Ha! You’ve come to the wrong Blog for that theory.
Think about it – if a group of people run onto the field in the middle of the biggest game of your life, how would you react? Would you give a double high-five to any of them? Of course you fucking wouldn’t! Women or not, you’d likely be doing what you can to get away from them.

This didn’t stop French forward Kylian Mbappe from enjoying the moment, as seen in the photo above.
Mbappe is 19 years old, and his name sums to 109 in Reverse:
Think about it – it’s like 2 19′s
The band Pussy Riot, a punk rock group of feminist activists, claimed responsibility for this delay on the field.
It occurred during the 52nd minute of play.
But in Jewish gematria, feminism sums to 219
Speaking of 2 19′s…the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was passed by congress in 1919, gave women the right to vote.
The 19th prime number is 67“Feminist” = 67 (All Exceptions)
In this game, the World Cup went to France
The date of the game, July 15th, fell exactly 219 days before 2/19/2019
France beat Croatia in the Final
The 19th prime number is 67
In the alphabetic order, the number 19 sums to 86
219 days after the game on 2/19/2019, the Moon will once again be passing over the star Regulus, as it was doing during the World Cup final.
On the date of the game, Kylian Mbappe, who gave the high-five to a woman on the field, was exactly 1021 weeks old.