The 2014 Isla Vista Killings
Since we just recently got news that the Toronto terrorist, Alek Minassian, was inspired by Elliot Rodgers, I figured today would be a good day to rewind to 2014 and decode that ridiculous hoax.
The whole Toronto incident was largely centered around the number 113, the mainstream’s number of deception. The 113th prime number is 617. Thanks to a video with the same title uploaded to YouTube just before the killing spree, this event was called:
On May 23rd, 2014, Elliot Rodger is said to have committed a killing spree in Isla Vista, California, at the University of California-Santa Barbara campus in Santa Barbara County, California. This was shortly after he uploaded a poorly-acted video to YouTube saying he’d been rejected by women his whole life and he hates successful people and yada yada yada.
Before looking at the usual hoax codes, here’s a look at what I find to be most interesting about this. I’ve documented in the past how often a killer’s name gematria will match that of his victims. This is absolutely the case here as well:

13 is a primary hoax code:
There was actually another major vehicular homicide in Isla Vista in 2001. That happened on the date 2/23, which intriguingly leaves 311 days in the year.
2001 was 13 years before this 2014 spree. To be exact:
This ties nicely into what Rodger called the attack:
13 and the other primary hoax code, 33, both become immediately evident when looking at his name and date of birth.

The 13th prime number is 41, a number found in his birth numerology:
His date of birth also had 33 numerology, as did the date of the spree:
The full numerology of his date of birth lines up with the gematria of 33
“University of California, Santa Barbara” = 156 (Jewish Reduction)
“One hundred fifty-six” = 226 (O)
“One hundred forty-one” = 226 (O)
Measuring from his last birthday to the attacks:
“Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger” = 333 (Jewish Ordinal)
The perpetrator’s name syncs up with the location and name of the event:
149 is the 35th prime number
The attack occurred on a date with a life lesson number of 35
Isla Vista is on the 119th meridian:
Rodger was 1191 weeks old during the hoax.
“Elliot Rodger” = 119 (LCH)
1109 is the 186th prime number, which matches the name of his Manifesto:
“Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger” = 144 (Jewish Reduction)
The date numerology lines up with “Kill” as well:
The University was founded in 1891, making it 123 years old in 2014.

There were 14 non-fatal injuries in the attacks. Rodger’s name sums to 140 in the alphabetic order:

His female victims were from the:
The 14th prime number is 43. Rodger had double gematria of 430
Interesting that Rodger’s parents contacted police about his behavior on April 30th, written 4/30
Both cities are coded with the number of the beast.
313 is the 65th prime number. 7 people died that day:
“Six hundred threescore and six” = 143 (Jewish Reduction)
This occurred on the 143rd day of the year:
It’s pretty interesting to me that there were 21 combined deaths and injuries in light of this Toronto Van Attack being related to it.
“Toronto, Canada” = 210 (RO)
“Toronto Van Attack” = 210 (O)
“April twenty-third” = 210 (O)
“Elliot Rodger’s Retribution” = 139 (SR)
“Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger” = 158 (SR)
“Elliot Rodger’s Retribution” = 1150 (Satanic)
“Elliot Rodger” = 184 (RO)